中世纪的欧洲和世界 (Tommaso Pepe)SS1412022秋  
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选课类别:文理通识 教学语言:英文
课程类别:社科类 开课单位:社会科学中心
课程层次:本科 获得学分:2.0
骑士和僧侣,城堡和王后,教皇、皇帝、异端、入侵、迁移、神学家、弄臣,以及14世纪中期肆虐欧洲大陆的鼠疫大瘟疫……中世纪的欧洲充满了错综复杂、风云变幻的历史细节,曾被历史学家称为“黑暗时代”。最近的学术研究打破了这种过时的固有描述,突出了中世纪欧洲与世界的相互联系。 在本课程中,我们将在全球中世纪的背景下重新阐释中世纪欧洲的历史(公元500 - 1500年)。远望早期的社会动荡、帝国分崩,俯瞰中期的人口增长、城市发展,近观晚期的文艺复兴和宗教革命。我们将罗马帝国的崩溃和日耳曼人口的大规模迁移作为开篇,审视这些迁移如何重新定义中世纪早期(公元500-1000年)欧洲的政治和人口构成。我们还将分析伊斯兰教在中东的崛起,拜占庭帝国的巩固和封建社会的诞生。 课程的第二部分将聚焦于11世纪和12世纪的经济革命。当时农业和贸易的进步伴随着宗教与政权、城市与农村、文化传统主义与新资产阶级思想的种种冲突。十字军东征的历史将为我们提供一个窗口,让我们了解军事、文化和政治互动如何将欧洲和伊斯兰世界联系在一起。 在课程的第三部分,我们将重点关注蒙古帝国的出现是如何将中世纪的欧洲与欧亚大陆联系在一起的,并介绍衔接中世纪和现代时期的三大历史事件:文艺复兴、新教改革和哥伦布发现美洲大陆。在课程中,我们将阅读但丁、薄伽丘、乔叟、马可·波罗、伊本·白图泰和《一千零一夜》等主要作品的选段,并分析部分当代电影对中世纪历史的描绘。

Knights and monks, castles and queens, popes, emperors, heresies, invasions, migrations, theologians, jesters and a global pandemic of plague that devastated Eurasia in the 1340s: the medieval world continues to fascinate us with its rich and complex history. Reversing the outdated image of the “dark ages”, recent scholarship has highlighted the surprising degree of interconnectivity of the medieval world, nurtured by an intense and far-reaching circulation of peoples, technology, material culture, ideas, religions and non-human agents such as viruses and bacteria across Eurasia, the Middle East, Northern Africa and, eventually, the Americas. In this course we will re-interpret the history of medieval Europe (500 – 1500 CE) within the context of a global Middle Ages. We will start our survey from the collapse of the Roman empire and the large-scale migrations of Germanic populations that redefined of the political and demographic composition of Europe in the Early Middle Ages (500-1000 CE). We will analyze the rise of Islam in the Middle East, the consolidation of the Byzantine empire and the birth of feudal society. The second part of the course will focus on the economic revolution of the 11th and 12th centuries, when improvements in agriculture and trade were accompanied by perduring conflicts between religious and political power, city and countryside, cultural traditionalism and the rise of new bourgeois mentality. The history of the crusades will provide us with a window on the military, cultural and political interactions that continued to link – rather than dividing – Europe and the Islamic world. In the third part of the course, we will focus on the multiple connections that relate medieval Europe to Eurasia via the Mongol empire. Will conclude our study with a triple analysis of the “end” of the Middle Ages triggered the birth of the Renaissance, the protestant Reformation and Columbus’ voyages to the Americas. During the course we will read excerpts from major works by Dante, Boccaccio, Chaucer, Marco Polo, Ibn Battuta and the One Thousand and One Nights and analyze the portrayal of medieval history in contemporary cinema.


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Tommaso Pepe



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