理论课,2学分,2学时/每周。本课程以消费文化为窗口,引导学生洞见其背后所蕴含的广阔的社会和文化含义。从具体案例出发,我们可以了解到生活消费所附著的象征意义、特别是身份认同的问题,学生将学习将显性的生活消费习惯和隐性的社会事项相联系,包括:宗教、性别、种族、阶层、现代性、国家建构、全球化和地方化、味觉和记忆、环境保护等。通过以小见大、举一反三的案例阅读和理论分析,学生将习得如何透过熟悉的每日生活来进行较深层次的文化解读和批判,并可望在将来的工作中为社会生活及消费的良性发展提供自己的反思、建议和行动。Lecture, 2 credits, 2 hours per week. This course uses food and consumption as a lens for students to see broad social and cultural issues. Through concrete case studies, they will perceive the symbolic meanings attached to food and consumption, in particular the construction of identity. Diverse social and cultural issues will be covered including religion, gender, ethnicity, class, modernity, nationalism, globalization and localization, taste and memory, and environment protection, etc. By studying rich examples and theories, students will gradually learn how to understand and interpret everyday life with reflection and criticism, and to provide advice and actions to facilitate the positive development of our social life and consumption.