身体与情感 (袁长庚)SS0532022春 2021春 2020春  
2022春 2021春 2020春
  • 课程难度:你猜
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选课类别:文理通识 教学语言:中文
课程类别:社科类 开课单位:社会科学中心
课程层次:本科 获得学分:2.0
本课程为面向全校各专业学生的通识选修课,其主要内容为20世纪以来的身体哲学、情感社会学以及亲密关系研究。课程依照“身体、爱与亲密关系”这三大关键词分为相应的三个单元,采取专题式讲述,兼顾哲学理论与实证研究。通过探讨身体-情感-社会三者之间所构成的复杂关系,本课引导学生思索感官经验之上的社会与文化建构,探寻欲望、制度、情感之上的观念潮流与政治经济影响。课程希望藉由人文研究的讨论,引导学生建立独立的身体、情感认知与世界观,成为兼具科学素养与人文关怀的复合人才。 Based on philosophical inquiries and current studies in social science, this course explores the relations between the body, love and intimacy. All three key issues are bio-cultural. On one hand, people create cultures and identities on body&#59; on the other hand, special ideologies and institutions in which love and intimacy generated in will produce certain sorts of body habitus. Through a focus on cross-cultural studies, this course seeks to uncover the body’s manifold facets as materiality and representation, subject and object. Within a context of social transition, it also attempts to reveal the complicity of love and intimacy.

What is in-memory computing, and how is it different compare to conventional von-Neumann computing architecture? This course will introduce graduate students to one of the most popular non-von Neumann computing architecture that is slated to be implemented in future computer chips for abundant data calculation. Concepts to be taught to students will include 1. Non- von Neumann computing architecture, 2. Emerging devices for in-memory computing, 3. Analog Memory Programming Techniques and Variations, 4. RRAM Conductance Mapping Techniques, 5. Circuit Primitives for Analog Computing. As this course is on an emerging research field, specific examples using research papers in this field will be used extensively and discussed.?


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