道德人类学 (陈娟)SS1132022春 2021春  
2022春 2021春
  • 课程难度:你猜
  • 作业多少:你猜
  • 给分好坏:你猜
  • 收获大小:你猜
选课类别:文理通识 教学语言:英文
课程类别:社科类 开课单位:社会科学中心
课程层次:本科 获得学分:2.0
“伦理关怀”和“道德评价”是社会生活中极为重要的方面。本课程将会介绍人类学家在该领域内潜心研究的成果,并跨文化的探讨人类道德的包容性和个性,他们在社会生活中的表现形式,以及在社会变化中所扮演的重要角色。课程首先回顾人类学 “伦理转向”的历史和新的发展,然后介绍两个关键的思想理论,分别是福柯(Foucault)后期著作中提到的“伦理系谱学”以及分析哲学中的“德性伦理学”。这两个理论对近期的许多研究而言是至关重要的,因为他们让人类学家能够开始思考,某些伦理学中的重要概念,比如个性、品德、责任、自由等,可以被理解为是社会生活最基本的关系特征,而非个体特征或者自然形成的特征。接下来的课程中会把侧重点放在一系列在该领域的人类学研究中新兴的问题和案例上面。在学期的最后,学生需要提交一份中篇的论文,阐述他们对课程的理解,并选择一个相关的话题进行分析,系统展现自己学习成果。

Ethical concern and moral evaluation are everywhere crucial aspects of social life. This course explores knowledge of Anthropology’s engagement with ethical life and related ethical concern and morality encountered in social life; It concerns the cross-cultural exploration of human moral capacities and selfhood, their expression in social life, and the fundamental role they play in situations of social change. The course begins with a review of the history and the recent development of what is sometimes called (problematically) the ‘ethical turn’ in anthropology; and continues with two formative intellectual sources for this recent literature: respectively the ‘genealogy of ethics’ found in Foucault’s later writings and virtue ethics in analytical philosophy. Both have been crucial for much of the recent literature, because they have enabled anthropologists to think about how some of the central concepts of ethics – such as character, virtue, responsibility, and freedom – might be construed as fundamentally relational features of social life (rather than as features of individuals, or in naturalistic terms). The succeeding lectures consider a series of emergent questions and research in the anthropological literature. At the end of the semester, students submit a medium-length paper communicating their understanding and analysis of a related topic of their choosing.


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