
(高斌)SS1282022秋 2022春  
2022秋 2022春
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选课类别:文理通识 教学语言:中文
课程类别:国学类 开课单位:社会科学中心
课程层次:本科 获得学分:2.0
本课程主要由文学史概述和作品精读两部分组成。通过对文学史的讲述及具体作品的分析讨论,让学生可以深刻的感受到古代诸种文体之间的区别,掌握阅读技巧和方法,培养学生对古代文学的兴趣。 课程以古代文学的发展演变为主线,对各个时代的重点作家和文学思潮进行讲解,并重点选取具有代表性作家的作品进行分析解读。课程大体以朝代划分。每个时代都选取代表性的经典作品,作为课堂精读材料,学生将分组对精读材料进行研读、讨论,并做课堂报告。每部分所选取的阅读材料,都是这一时代最具代表性的文体:先秦的散文、汉代的赋、魏晋六朝的骈体文和诗歌、唐代的诗作和传奇、宋代的诗和词、元代的散曲和杂剧、明代的八股文和小说、清代的诗词和小说戏曲。课堂上主要以宏观文学史的梳理为主,学生的精读则侧重个人对文学作品的理解和感受。

This course includes two parts: outline of ancient Chinese literature and close reading of literary works. It will make students know the distinguish of different literary forms, acquire the method of reading classics and cultivate the interest to ancient Chinese literature by attending the lecture and analyzing the writings. This course is based on the development and evolution of ancient literature. The lecture will be given on representative authors and literary aesthetic trend in that era, and we will select some of their works to read and analyze. This course is divided into several parts according to the ancient history of China. We select representative works as reading materials in different parts. Students will be grouped to discuss and give a presentation about these literary works. All the materials are the most famous literary forms in that dynasty as follow: prose in pre-Qin, rhyme-prose in Han dynasty, parallel and poetry in Wei-Jin six dynasties, classical tales and poetry in Tang dynasty, poetry and song lyric in Song dynasty, colloquial song and variety play in Yuan dynasty, “eight part” essay and fiction in Ming dynasty, poetry and vulgar literature in Qing dynasty. We give the macro description of ancient Chinese literature history and the close reading classes will be a slight leaning towards your own thoughts about literary works. This course will be carried out in Chinese. On top of meeting the basic attendance requirement, the students are expected to actively engage in reading required materials and discussing with teacher and students about what you think in classes. The assessment of the coursework mainly consists of the grades based on the group reports which take place from the fourth week on, and those based on the final paper which is at least 2000 characters. All of these need students’ independent and critical thinking.
user avatar   匿名用户     2022秋
  • 难度:中等
  • 作业:中等
  • 给分:杀手
  • 收获:一般


user avatar   匿名用户     2022秋
  • 难度:简单
  • 作业:很少
  • 给分:超好
  • 收获:很多


user avatar   匿名用户     2022秋
  • 难度:简单
  • 作业:很少
  • 给分:超好
  • 收获:很多


