化学原理 A

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选课类别:专业任务 教学语言:双语
课程类别:通识理工基础课 开课单位:化学系
课程层次:本科 获得学分:4.0
为了使大学一年级学生较早地对整个化学学科理论有较全面的了解,激发学生学习化学的热忱,化学原理系统介绍了化学学科最基本的原理(包括微观理论、统计理论和宏观理论)及其在化学中的应用,融合了无机化学、有机化学、分析化学和物理 化学的内容,并且适当增加了化学发展的前沿动态。

General Chemistry is designed to give a general but fundamental understanding of chemical principles to undergraduate students majoring in science and engineering. General chemistry also aims to attract more undergraduate students to carry out chemical research at their seniors. The topics of General chemistry include: atoms and elements, molecular and electronic structures, states of matter, bonding, chemical equilibriums, kinetics and thermodynamics, stoichiometry, aqueous solution chemistry, acids and bases, oxidation and reduction, and so on. As chemistry is an experimental science, a very special point for teaching General chemistry for undergraduate students is to emphasize the experimental aspect of a chemical reaction and create every possible condition for students to practice the reactions in a safe chemical laboratory. Also, the students should be educated that chemistry is practically useful and it helps us to understand the world around us at the molecular level and to create every materials and events in our daily life.


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