
(唐斌)BME50022024秋 2023秋 2022秋 2021秋 2020秋 2019秋  
2024秋 2023秋 2022秋 2021秋 2020秋 2019秋
  • 课程难度:你猜
  • 作业多少:你猜
  • 给分好坏:你猜
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选课类别:专业任务 教学语言:英文
课程类别:专业选修课 开课单位:生物医学工程系
课程层次:研究生 获得学分:3.0
Biomaterial is a class of high technology material for diagnosis, repairing and enhancement of the human tissues and organs. The students enrolled in Advanced Materials course are expected to receive sufficient academic training on either Biomedical Engineering or Materials Science and Engineering field. This course is an elective major course. By lecture, group discussion and oral presentation led by the professor, the students will focus on the studies on cut-edge biomaterials research, e.g. in situ tissue engineering, 3d-printing of customized biomaterials, which make them well preparation for biomaterials related research.

Biomaterial is a class of high technology material for diagnosis, repairing and enhancement of the human tissues and organs. The students enrolled in Advanced Materials course are expected to receive sufficient academic training on either Biomedical Engineering or Materials Science and Engineering field. This course is an elective major course. By lecture, group discussion and oral presentation led by the professor, the students will focus on the studies on cut-edge biomaterials research, e.g. in situ tissue engineering, 3d-printing of customized biomaterials, which make them well preparation for biomaterials related research.


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