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选课类别:专业任务 教学语言:中文
课程类别:专业选修课 开课单位:创新创业学院
课程层次:研究生 获得学分:1.0

"Innovation and Entrepreneurship Forum is hosted by Prof. Ke Liu, who is the Executive Dean of School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship and Chair Professor of Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech). This course is to highlight the characteristics of SUSTech – “Research, Innovation, Entrepreneurship”, to carry forward the aim of building an innovative university, to shape the culture of innovation and entrepreneurship, and to inspire the undergraduates to set up ambitions of innovation and entrepreneurship. The worldwide well-known entrepreneurs, economists, academicians and experts will be invited to SUSTech to discuss their opinions on innovation and entrepreneurship, to introduce the latest innovations in industry, and to share the related cutting-edge knowledge and practices with our teachers and students. To promote the reputation and social influence of SUSTech, this course is also to welcome the social communities and individuals who are interested in innovation and entrepreneurship in Shenzhen if available.Coordinating with other courses of School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, the goal of this course is to advocate the entrepreneurial spirits, to encourage the students to have deep thinking on innovation and entrepreneurship, and to stimulate the students to practise innovation and entrepreneurship in their campus and career lives. Meanwhile, the course aims to lead students to establish the concept of “combination of industries and education, learn to practice” in their daily learning and research activities. It is very helpful for students to build a solid foundation for their technology innovations and entrepreneurship in near future, by listening the advanced experiences of successful enterprises, understanding the hardships and risks of novel technology transformation process, and learning the management skills to promote a healthy and rapid growth for enterprises."
user avatar   Robert_Fleming     2023秋
  • 难度:简单
  • 作业:很少
  • 给分:超好
  • 收获:一般


user avatar   不知道取什么名好     2022秋
  • 难度:简单
  • 作业:很少
  • 给分:超好
  • 收获:很多

大意了,退了门课之后匆忙选的这门课,没看培养方案,除非是水学分要么本科生可以不用选这门课(因为好像不是培养方案里必须要修的学分),这门课好像基本上是研究生要上的,看到挺多研究生来,没多少本科生。如果只是想听某几个相关讲座的话,可以不选这门课,直接过来听讲座,或者在线上看腾讯会议。不过如果是要水学分的话,这门课会是极佳的选择,简单轻松无门槛,要水也特别轻松,因为这堂课就是听学术界各个大佬的讲座,也不会被点名被迫回答问题,也不需要做报告之类,就是纯纯的听讲座。 Pf课程也不用担心拉低绩点。



