选修课,1分,1学时/每周。先修课程:无。本课程是临床医学,生物医学科学及相关专业的选修课程,重点介绍医学文献检索的方法及医学文献撰写及技巧与方法。课程内容包含医学信息检索与利用基本知识,如医学文献的主要类型及特点,计算机网络环境下,医学文献信息的检索语言、检索途径等。常用的学术资源数据库介绍,核心检索系统、全文数据库检索方法及全文获取途径,医学文献分析及撰写。该课程授课采用混合式教学模式,理论讲授与课堂实践相结合。该课程设置预期对部分医学课程和专业课程的学习及医学实践起到推动作用。Major Elective Courses, 1 credit, 1 hour per week. Pre-requisites:NONE. This is a guide course for university students who major in medicine and related subjects, focusing on the methods of medical literature retrieval, the skills and methods of medical literature writing. The course content considers the basic knowledge of medical information retrieval and utilization, such as the main types and characteristics of medical literature, retrieval method of medical literature information. It also includes an introduction to commonly academic resource databases, core retrieval systems, and analysis and writing of medical literature. In order to enhance the application of the knowledge learned in the class, the teaching module adopt integrated theoretical teaching and classroom practice.