理解死亡:哲学、社会与文化 (袁长庚)SS0072021秋 2020秋  
2021秋 2020秋
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选课类别:文理通识 教学语言:中文
课程类别:社科类 开课单位:社会科学中心
课程层次:本科 获得学分:2.0
理论课,2学分,2学时/每周。本课程是围绕“死亡”这一议题而设计的社会科学通识选修课,试图将以下三个部分融为一体,即:对死亡的哲学思考;死亡命题所催生的文化表达、意义阐述;以及作为社会问题的死亡与临终(death and the dying)。课程所讲述的内容来源于哲学、社会学、人类学、历史学以及流行文化素材。 现代高等教育,不仅是知识、技能的传授,还肩负着培养具有自省能力的现代公民的责任。这种自省应该包含对生命本身的严肃思考,以及立足于此而产生的责任感。死亡并非遥不可及或只需消极等待的尽头,它是每个人都必须严肃面对的挑战。在历史和世界的纵横图景中理解死亡,学会与死亡共生,并重新审视自我、他人、社会与时代,这是本课程的主旨。 Lecture, 2 credits, 2 hours per week. The aim of this course is to provide a complicated view on death, which is one of the most significant issue for human being. Combing philosophical inquiry, sociological investigation, and cultural interpretation, Death and dying will be examined from a variety of interdisciplinary and interactive perspectives in order to further our understanding of what it means to be human. To study death and dying attempts to broaden students’ understanding of the human experience. We also consider the obfuscation and the explication of death by keeping focus on the ways in which different social groups culturally dwell in the world.

Through reviewing major innovation and industry milestones in the past 7+ decades and looking into foreseeable future, to establish a multi-dimensional but whole frame work about arguably the most spectacular science and technology epic of human kind up to date, its innovations, industrilization,  economic impact, regional and national technology strategy as well as international technology confrontations.


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