理论课,2学分,2学时/每周。本课程以培养跨文化理解能力为目的,通过介绍中国最重要的邻国之一日本在衣食住行、婚丧嫁娶、年节礼仪等日常生活诸方面,帮助听讲者了解日本的大众文化的特点,同时也为听讲者创造对自身的文化在多元文化视野下再认识的契机。同时,还将涉及日本的历史认识和战争记忆、大众媒体、娱乐业、中日关系、靖国神社等和中国密切相关的问题。期待通过本课程的讲授,开阔听讲者理解中日关系的视野,加深对两国关系的复杂性和丰富性的理解。 Lecture, 2 credits, 2 hours per week. By introducing one of China’s most important neighbouring countries- Japan, this course aims to cultivate listeners’ intercultural understanding ability. The presentation of Japan’s everyday life such as the four basic needs of life-clothes, food, shelter, transportation, the life rituals and the festivals etiquette, not only helps listeners understand the popular culture in Japan but also stimulates them to reconsider their own culture. Besides, this course will touch on some issues related closely to China, for example, the historical understanding and war memory in Japan, Sino-Japanese relations and Yasukuni Jinjia. Though the curriculum, we hope to broaden listeners’ vision of Sino-Japanese relations and deepen their understanding of the complexity and richness of relations between the two countries.
Through reviewing major innovation and industry milestones in the past 7+ decades and looking into foreseeable future, to establish a multi-dimensional but whole frame work about arguably the most spectacular science and technology epic of human kind up to date, its innovations, industrilization, economic impact, regional and national technology strategy as well as international technology confrontations.