道德、文化与人类合作行为 (张江华)SS0122022夏 2021夏  
2022夏 2021夏
  • 课程难度:你猜
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选课类别:文理通识 教学语言:中文
课程类别:社科类 开课单位:社会科学中心
课程层次:本科 获得学分:2.0
理论课,2学分。该课程内容综合了近年来人类学、经济学(博弈论)、生物学、心理学等学科在人类合作机制的形成与演化研究方面所取得的成就。课程试图将这些跨学科的知识系统化后传递给南科大以理科为主的学生,一方面是健全理科学生的知识结构,通过理科方法如何应用于文科研究,增强理科学生对文科知识与方法的兴趣;另一方面,对这些知识的掌握也是人文素质教育的一部分,通过该课程让学生掌握人类合作与互惠的形成和演化过程,从更广阔的层面了解人类的劳动分工、合作、道德、贸易、宗教与宗派冲突等现象的意义。 Lecture, 2 credits, 2 hours per week. This course studies the mechanisms of human cooperation and integrates a multidisciplinary research results, which come from Anthropology, Economics (especially Game Theory), Biology and Psychology. It aims to impart the systematized knowledge to the students majored in science by showing how science has been applied to humanities research which can, on the one hand, stimulate science students’ interest of humanities, and on the other hand, perfect their knowledge structures. Moreover, acquiring the knowledge is a necessary part of humanistic quality education. Through the study of this course, students can learn the meaning of labor division, cooperation, moral, religion and conflict on a broader dimension and better understand the formation and evolution of human’s cooperation and reciprocity.

Through reviewing major innovation and industry milestones in the past 7+ decades and looking into foreseeable future, to establish a multi-dimensional but whole frame work about arguably the most spectacular science and technology epic of human kind up to date, its innovations, industrilization,  economic impact, regional and national technology strategy as well as international technology confrontations.


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