本课程通过对以《希伯来圣经》为代表的古典时期希伯来文学与文化经典的系统讲授,以学术研究的进路,向学生介绍希伯来神话、传说、史诗、历史文学、智慧文学、先知文学、诗歌、小说等各种文学文类的成就,在揭示古典希伯来历史文化传统的同时,分析每一具体文类代表性文本的思想内涵和诗学特征,提高学生对文学与文化的认识能力,进而在对希伯来文学与文化观念、审美风格把握的同时,也能更好地理解西方文学与文化传统。 Based on lecturing on the classical Hebrew literature and cultural heritage represented by Hebrew Bible, with an academic approach, this course aims to introduce to the students the multifaceted literary achievements ranging from Hebrew mythology, legends, epics, historical literature, wisdom literature, prophetic literature, poetry to the fictions. While elucidating the Classical Hebrew historical and literary heritage, this course analyses and investigates the implied ideas and poetic features in the representative text characterized by a distinctive genre, intending to sharpen the students’ comprehension of literature and culture. Thus, the students will acquire a better apprehension of the western literary and cultural heritage on the basis of commanding the Hebrew literary and cultural thoughts and aesthetic styles. ?