设计导论 (Thomas Fischer)DS1012022秋 2021秋  
2022秋 2021秋
  • 课程难度:你猜
  • 作业多少:你猜
  • 给分好坏:你猜
  • 收获大小:你猜
选课类别:专业任务 教学语言:英文
课程类别:专业选修课 开课单位:创新创意设计学院
课程层次:本科 获得学分:2.0
本课程通过课堂活动为学生提供设计学科的基础介绍,为今后在设计学院的学习做准备。课程面向所有一年级学生,春秋季均开课,学生可选与春季或秋季修读。该课程将设计视为不同情境中的活动,目的不限于解决问题,还包括寻求改善机会。 课程内容将探讨如何将设计转化为成果,从而为经济做出贡献并改善生活质量。 作为设计学习的准备,该课程为学生展示设计学习过程的概貌、以及设计学院提供的课程和专业方向的概述。 核心技能:批判性洞察力

This course offers a foundational introduction to design through action and a preparation for design studies at the School of Design. It is open to all Year 1 students, offered in both Autumn and Spring semesters and may be taken at either of the two times. As an introduction to design through action, the course establishes design as an activity in a range of contexts, moving beyond problem solving to opportunity seeking. The content examines how design is translated to outcomes to contribute to economies and quality of life. As a preparation for design studies, the course presents an outline of the study experience and an overview of the curriculum and focus areas offered at the School of Design. Skills: critical perception


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Thomas Fischer




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