理论课,4学分,4学时/每周。先修课程:高等数学A下(MA102B),大学物理B下(PHY105B),线性代数A(MA107A)。本课程为力学专业基础课,是部分专业核心课的先修课程。本课程教授学生如何使用数学工具和技巧来解决力学问题;使学生学到相关基础知识,并引导学生从纯数学的学习转到将数学应用于实际力学问题。主要内容包括:线性代数,复变函数,偏微分方程。Lecture, 4 credits, 4 hours per week. Pre-requisite: MA102B,PHY105B,MA107A. The objectives of this course are: Learning the foundations and frameworks of mathematical foundations of mechanics; developing mathematical skills for solving problems in mechanics. This course starts from intermediate level linear algebra, and then moves to cover some basics topics in complex analysis. The remaining of the course will focus on partial differential equations.