
(LI BAOWEN(李保文))MSE50292024春 2022秋 2021秋  
2024春 2022秋 2021秋
  • 课程难度:你猜
  • 作业多少:你猜
  • 给分好坏:你猜
  • 收获大小:你猜
选课类别:专业任务 教学语言:英文
课程类别:专业选修课 开课单位:材料科学与工程系
课程层次:研究生 获得学分:3.0
声子,即量子化的晶格振动,可以在所有固体中传输,它们是介电材料和半导体中的主要热载体。因此,声子的调控对于工业应用,如微纳电子器件、分子电子器件、量子计算机等的余热收集和散热管理具有重要意义。更重要的是,热是所有生物的主要能源,对其控制机制的了解也可能有助于我们清楚地了解生物体是如何管理体内热能的。然而,控制声子携带的热量并不像控制电子和光子那么容易,因为声子不是粒子。此外,声子没有质量和电荷,这使得通过电场和磁场等外部场进行控制变得更加复杂和具有挑战性。声子学为热控制提供了新的途径。本课程将讨论热整流/二极管、热晶体管、热逻辑门和热存储器等的基本原理,我们还将讨论如何设计热整流器和其他功能热器件。热超材料利用现有的天然材料通过改变其结构来控制热流,其基本原理是变换热传导方程的不变性。我们将讨论热隐形、热集中器、热透镜、热伪装、热反向器等几个重要的功能和应用,热隐形在设计和应用方面的挑战和困难也会在本课程中介绍。该课程将涵盖以下8部分: 1)声子、非简谐声子和热输运; 2)声子热电路:通过温度差调控热流; 3)动态调控热流; 4)声子晶体热调控; 5)通过热超材料的热调控; 6)热界面材料(TIM):通过界面调控热量; 7)声子学高级课题; 8)探测声子和声子传热的实验方法 

Phonons, the quantized lattice vibration, can transport in all solids.They are the main heat carriers in dielectric materials and semiconductors.Therefore, the control and management of phonons is of primary important forindustrial application, like waste heat harvesting, heat dissipation andmanagement of micro and nano electronic device, molecular electronic devices,quantum computer etc. More importantly, heat is a primary energy source for allliving organisms. The understanding of the control mechanism might also help usget a clear picture of how living organism manage the heat energy inside.However, controlling heat carried by phonons is not as easy ascontrolling electrons and photons, because phonons are not particles. Moreover,phonons do not have mass and charge that makes the control by external fieldlike electric and magnetic fields much more complicated and challenging.The phononics provides new approach on heat control. In this course, theunderlying principle of thermal rectifier/diode, thermal transistor, thermallogic gates and thermal memory etc will be discussed. We will also discuss howto design thermal rectifier and other functional thermal devices. Thermal metamaterials use existing natural materials to manipulate heatflux by changing its structures. The underlying principle is transforming invarianceof the heat conduction equation. We will discuss several important functionsand applications like thermal cloak, thermal concentrator, thermal lens,thermal camouflage, thermal inverter … Challenges and difficulties in thermalcloak will be discussed. The course will cover the following8 parts: 1) Phonons, anharmonicphonons, and thermal transport;2) Phononic Thermal Circuits:Active Control of heat flow via temperature bias3) Dynamical control of heatflux and beyond4) Heat control via phononiccrystals5) Heat control through thermalmetamaterials6) Thermal interfacialmaterials (TIM): controlling heat via interface7) Advanced topics of phononics8) Experimental methods forprobing phonons and heat transfer due to phonons 


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