理论课(不含实践),3学分,3学时/每周。不同于一般意义上的电影研究(film studies),本课程是对作为文本的电影作品的社会学解读(sociological interpretation)。它将电影这一艺术视作对社会观念、价值体系和意识形态的综合标识,而对其进行文本细读,将有助于学生理解其所处的时代。 课程的核心逻辑在于以电影作品作为审视当代中国社会、文化的途径,力争打破文本与现实之间的界限,激发学生的反思精神。本课在年代上主要集中于1980年代至今,所选择作品主要是所谓严肃电影,辅之以部分商业电影(二者区别在于是否以票房收益作为主要导向)。从其创作者而言,囊括了新中国第四、五、六三代影人。课程的设计架构采取每周研讨一个专题的形式,在同一个专题内部力争按照时间顺序排列不同时代的不同影片。 Lecture, 3 credits, 3 hours per week.This course, regarding movies as serious social texts, attempts to teach students a way of sociological close-reading. Based on that, they will gain alternative perspectives on China today. selected movies will be discussed according to different topics every week. and they will be helpful for students to bridge arts and social challenges together. By exploring the involvement of current Chinese film, this course will provide various reflections on our earthshaking social transition.
Through reviewing major innovation and industry milestones in the past 7+ decades and looking into foreseeable future, to establish a multi-dimensional but whole frame work about arguably the most spectacular science and technology epic of human kind up to date, its innovations, industrilization, economic impact, regional and national technology strategy as well as international technology confrontations.