文化创意产业创新 (李大维-外聘)SS0852021秋  
  • 课程难度:你猜
  • 作业多少:你猜
  • 给分好坏:你猜
  • 收获大小:你猜
选课类别:文理通识 教学语言:英文
课程类别:社科类 开课单位:社会科学中心
课程层次:本科 获得学分:2.0
本课程旨在对中国与欧洲蓬勃发展的文化创意产业进行广泛的了解与深入的分析,为学生提供设计和生产文化创意产品的实践。通过课程,学生将有机会研究学习中国与欧洲的文化创意产业中的国际趋势、特征、历史背景以及相关文化政策等。通过深圳和欧洲的相关案例研究,学生将对与文化创意产业、文化创业相关的重要问题进行批判性思考,其中包括知识产权的问题,未来的工作,人工智能的未来,“开放科学”,互联网的健康等。本课程将结合理论与实践,为学生提供讲师指导,进行文创产品或项目的构思、设计与团队制作。学生期末作品的文化创意项目可以是,但不限于创意短片、纪录片、摄影书、网站、App、视听表演或艺术装置。学生期末作品将在学期末在课堂上发表。This course aims to offer an in-depth review and analysis of the various booming cultural creative industries in China and Europe on the one hand, and practical knowledge of conceptualizing, designing, and producing a creative cultural product on the other. Students will be given the opportunity to study the international trends, characteristics, historical background, cultural policies, etc. within cultural and creative industries in China and Europe. Through different case studies focusing on Shenzhen, China and Europe, students are also encouraged to think critically on important issues surrounding cultural production and entrepreneurship, including intellectual property rights, the future of work, the future of Artificial Intelligence, open science and their political implications, the current state and the health of the Internet, among others. To combine theory with practice, students will be offered the opportunity to conceptualize, design, and collectively produce a creative project on their own under the guidance of the instructor. The creative cultural project can be but not limited to a short film, a documentary, a photo book, a website, an app, an audio-visual performance, or an installation. The results of the creative project will be presented in class at the end of the semester.

The modern city cannot survive and thrive without technologies, may it be massive infrastructure systems or small electronic appliances at home. In fact, the history of urbanization was imbued with technological advances. The challenges that historical cities faced prompted the invention of new technologies, which then reshaped the social and spatial form of cities, though not always in intended ways and often resulting in new problems. Understanding this intertwined relationship between urbanization and technology is crucial to making sense of the evolution of human society and cities and our collective future. Today, about 55% of world’s population live in cities, and by 2050 over two-thirds is projected to be urban. Rapid urbanization brings many daunting challenges, social, economic, and ecological. It is crucial for young students in China, a country that has experienced remarkable urbanization in the past four decades, to understand what a good city should be like, the main problems contemporary cities face, and possible ways to solve them through technologies. The good city in the future cannot come into being without smart and responsible citizens. This course is designed for these purposes – to enable students to understand the past and the present but also to prepare for the future.


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