“经典”与经典化:中国中古文学专题 (朱梦雯)SS1252021秋  
  • 课程难度:你猜
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选课类别:文理通识 教学语言:双语
课程类别:社科类 开课单位:社会科学中心
课程层次:本科 获得学分:2.0
本课程为面向各专业本科生开设的人文通识课。围绕“‘经典’与经典化”的主题,本课程将选取中国中古文学里为大众所熟知的特定时代、作家和作品展开专题探讨。通过引导学生广泛接触,阅读和思考相关的史料、文学文本、研究文献,以及当代大众文化视野下的文学和影视作品,旨在向学生“重新介绍经典,”启发学生以新的视角和开阔的视野重新认识“经典”标签下的作家、作品、文学活动以及文化现象,并进一步思考文学的“经典化”过程。 秉持人文通识教育的思路,本课程以“研读”和“讨论”为主要的教学方式。课程内容除“概论”和“结语”部分外,主体部分分别聚焦于“三国”“陶渊明”“李、杜”和“《长恨歌》”四个专题,以“经典化”和“重新发现”为核心,在每个专题下辟数讲展开探讨。这四个专题的选择反映出中古文学在其漫长的接受过程中同时被“经典化”,进而在“经典化”语境下进入后世和当代大众读者的阅读与认知视阈,并根深蒂固地规范着读者的阅读体验。然而,这一“规范”的过程也不可避免地带来思考上的限制,以及理解上的僵化,明显地体现在大众读者对相关的作家作品和文学现象的“标签化”认识上。鉴于此,本课程将在每个主题下广泛精选不同性质的阅读材料,一方面包括传统意义上的史料史论、文学作品和诗论批评等,另一方面则包括现当代研究论著以及大众文化视野下对“经典”的影视和文本重塑等。通过引导学生接触并深入阅读和理解这些材料,本课程旨在揭示这些中古文学“经典”在其产生之初的形态,在历史接受中被“经典化”的进程,以及“经典化”之后对后世阅读和理解的规范与制约。由此,本课程将进一步启发学生对人文领域的“经典”进行批判性反思,通过独立阅读和思考获得更广的视野和更深的理解。 本课程将以中英双语进行,要求学生在按时到课的基础上,认真听讲,积极阅读、思考并参与课堂讨论。考核主要由一份不少于1000字的平时书面作业和一篇不少于1500字的期末读书报告两部分构成。

This is a GE oriented course in humanities area, designed for the undergraduate students of all majors. Centering on the theme of “classics and canonization“, this course chooses certain periods, writers and literary works from medieval China that are familiar to general readers and takes a closer look behind their “classicism“. Throughout the course, the students will be guided through a broad spectrum of historical records, literary texts, academic research, and certain literary and cinematic works from the contemporary popular culture, and in a sense be “re-introduced“ to these “classics“. The goal is to inspire the students to reconsider, from different perspectives and with a broadened view, these writers, their literary works, activities and the relevant cultural phenomena that are customarily labeled as “classics“, and to further contemplate the process of literary canonization. The core approaches of this course will be focused on reading and discussions. Apart from the “Introduction“ and the “Conclusion“, the main content of this course will respectively focus on four topics, namely, “the Three Kingdoms“, Tao Yuanming, “Li (Bai) and Du (Fu)“, and the “Song of Everlasting Sorrow“, and the content under each topic will unfold across multiple sessions. The choices of these four topics reflect a process of “canonization“ during the long history of reception of the Medieval literature, which further became a large part and a deeply rooted regulation of the reading experience for later generations. However, such a process of “canonization“ would inevitably invite limitations in thinking and rigidities in understanding, which are particularly reflected in readers' associating cliché labels with relevant writers, works and literary phenomena. In this light, the course will assemble, under each topic, a variety of reading materials, covering on the one hand the historical records and reviews, the literary works, theories and criticisms in the traditional contexts, on the other hand the academic research, and the popular cultural re-creations in modern and contemporary contexts. By introducing the students to and guiding them through these materials, this course aims to reveal the original forms of these Medieval literature before they became labeled as “classics“, to showcase the historical process of their canonization, as well as the impact and restrictions they had on the reading experiences and cultures of later generations. From this departure, the course further aims to inspire the students' critical thinking on the label of “classics“ in the humanities realm, and to encourage their pursuit for broader horizon and deeper understanding through independent reading and thinking process. This course will be carried out bilingually, in both Chinese and English. On top of meeting the basic attendance requirement, the students are expected to actively engage in the reading and discussions accompanying the lectures. The assessment of the coursework mainly consists of a writing assignment in the form of an essay of no less than 1000 words and a final book reading report of no less than 1500 words.


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