理论含实验课,3学分(含1个实验学分),4学时/每周。先修课程:计算机程序设计基础A(CS102A)。本课程介绍了计算机网络的基本架构、发展历史、层次结构及性能评估,并以Internet为例自顶向下具体讲解了应用层、传输层、网络层、链路层以及物理层的基本原理、主要功能与相关协议,课程还包括典型计算机网络的搭建、配置、抓包分析等实验相关内容。3 credits, 2 for lecture, 1 for lab, 4 hours per week. Prerequisites: CS102A. This course introduces the basic components, develop history, layering structure and performance metrics for computer networks. Using Internet as an example, we presents the basic principles, main functions and related protocols of network layers: application layer, transport layer, network layer, link layer and physical layer from top to down. This course also covers extensive lab contents including the setup and configuration of a network and network package analysis.