商业分析中的Python运用 (李垚)MIS1092022夏  
  • 课程难度:你猜
  • 作业多少:你猜
  • 给分好坏:你猜
  • 收获大小:你猜
选课类别:文理通识 教学语言:双语
课程类别:任选 开课单位:信息系统与管理工程系
课程层次:本科 获得学分:1.0
随着社交媒体与企业的整合,出现了涉及非结构化数据的数据分析需求,特别是文本数据,如在线产品评论、Twitter/Facebook消息、通话记录文本。在本门课程中,我们将了解一些新的分析需求,以及如何使用Python编程来解决它们。这门课程是为有一些编程基础的学生设计的。对于没有任何编程知识和需要更新编程技能的学生,我们强烈建议他们提前去了解并学习一些课程。 本课程结束时,学生应: 1.理解解决业务分析问题所涉及的各个步骤 2.了解企业所面临的数据收集和分析挑战 3.理解如何收集和分析文本数据以获得信息 4.用Python编写基本的程序 理解基本的编程概念,如数据类型、条件和函数 执行标准的输入/输出操作,例如读写文件 使用Python从互联网上收集数据 使用Python模块来解决分析问题 5.用Python编写以下三种任务的数据分析程序: a.Web取消 b.Sentiment分析 c.Topic建模

With the integration of social media with businesses, there have emerged new data analytical needs involving unstructured data, especially textual data like online product reviews, Twitter/Facebook messages, transcripts of phone call logs. In this course, we will learn about some of the new analytical needs that businesses have and how we can solve them using Python programming. The course is designed for students with some basic background in programming. Students who do not have any programming knowledge and those who need to refresh their programming skills are strongly advised to do the Pre-Course Assignment mentioned below. By the end of this course, students are expected to: 1.understand the various steps involved in solving a business analytics problem 2.understand the data collection and analytical challenges faced by firms 3.understand how textual data can be collected and analyzed to derive insights 4.write basic programs using Python a.understand basic programming concepts, such as data types, conditions, and functions b.perform standard input/output operations, such as read and write into files c.use Python to collect data from the Internet d.use Python modules to address analytical problems 5.write data analytical programs using Python for the following three tasks: a.Web scrapping b.Sentiment analysis c.Topic modeling


