This course focuses on financial economics, especially on asset pricing and the valuation of risky cash flows. After learning the details of consumer decision-making under uncertainty, it uses that general framework as a basis for understanding both equilibrium and no-arbitrage theories of securities pricing, including the capital asset pricing model (CAPM), the consumption capital asset pricing model (CCAPM),Arrow-Debreu theories, martingale pricing methods, and the arbitrage pricing theory (APT). The course aim to build up and enhance student financial intuition and understand modern financial theory for learning more advanced financial course. Another objective is to introduce students to the precise modelling of many of the concepts discussed in their capital markets and corporate finance classes. The third objective is to review rigorously and concisely the main themes of financial economics (those that students should have encountered in prior courses) and, finally, to introduce a number of frontier ideas of importance for the evolution of the discipline and of relevance from a practitioner ’s perspective.