TOEFL Preparation (喻永阳)GELS022024春 2023秋 2023春 2022秋 2022春 2021秋 2021夏 2021春 2020秋 2020春 2019秋  
2024春 2023秋 2023春 2022秋 2022春 2021秋 2021夏 2021春 2020秋 2020春 2019秋
  • 课程难度:你猜
  • 作业多少:你猜
  • 给分好坏:你猜
  • 收获大小:你猜
选课类别:文理通识 教学语言:英文
课程类别:外语类 开课单位:语言中心
课程层次:未知 获得学分:未知
该课程帮助学生了解如何有效备考TOEFL,提升学术和生活用英语水平;帮助学生设立每周练习目标,加强考试技巧和策略的使用;提升学生英语应用(听,说,读,写)水平;帮助学生了解美国文化背景知识。完成该课程后,学生们将能够了解TOEFL iBT考试的细节和要求;熟悉TOEFL考试的格式,提升(听,说,读,写)英语水平;在TOEFL考试中运用技巧,获取高分;词汇量和语法水平提升;丰富他们对于美国历史,艺术,自然学科等知识的理解。

 This course will help students to understand how to prepare for the test effectively and develop the English-language skills for academic and daily purposes; help students set weekly practice goals and stay on track with strategies and tips that can be used to increase TOEFL scores; improve students English language skills on reading, writing, listening and speaking; help students acquire more knowledge about American culture, history and other aspects. After taking courses, students would be able to: acknowledge the details and requirements of TOEFL iBT(internet-based test); be familiar with the format of TOEFL and bolster their language levels on four aspects(reading, writing, listening and speaking), measured by TOEFL; employ the tips and techniques during taking TOEFL and increase scores; enhance their English language levels and get prepared for future English tests and academic study; develop their vocabulary and strengthen their grammar; enrich their knowledge about American history, art, natural science and etc.


其他老师的「TOEFL Preparation」课
