The SustainableDevelopment Goals (SDGs) are important global goals, which present bothopportunities and risks. As such, humans require collaborations acrossgovernments, businesses, and civil society organizations. Hence, businesses andentrepreneurs have been recognized as very important actors in the achievementof the SDGs. Notwithstanding, there is a perceived tension between pursuing theSDGs and profits, which seems to come in the way of businesses andentrepreneurs. This module aims to critically explore how different businessesand entrepreneurs can profitably contribute to harnessing the opportunities andaddressing the risks inherent in the Sustainable Development Goals. In thistopic, we will also together explore the current status and development of theinternational community, understand how enterprises and social organizationsact as a manager, manage international social public problems brought byglobalization, and learn how entrepreneurship and leadership can promote theimprovement of social policies with updates.