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选课类别:文理通识 教学语言:中文
课程类别:美育类 开课单位:艺术中心
课程层次:本科 获得学分:2.0
欢迎你选择进入“2+3+3技术与实践”音乐审美系列课程体系。常规音乐学习应先从基础的两个方面——基础知识和基本技能开始。其中,《音乐基础能力训练——视唱练耳》即为音乐学习需掌握的基础技能课程。课程以“真音乐”和情感性、指向性的教学模式引导学生感受美、品鉴美,让学生在理解音乐节拍、速度、力度、音色、音高、调式及调性等要点基础上,以“课堂学习、展演实践”等整合方式,引导学生将所习得的相关知识应用于创作、演奏及演唱之中,有效激发和提升学生的创新意识与创造活力,突出对学生实践技能的培养,从而提高理工科综合性人才艺术素养。 当你通过学习两门基础课程——《音乐中的基础知识——乐理》《音乐基础能力训练——视唱练耳》后,还有机会进入三门分析与实践课程——《钢琴作品材料分析与实践》《弦乐作品材料分析与实践》《管(打击)乐作品材料分析与实践》,以及三门高阶课程——《室内乐作品材料分析与实践》《交响乐作品材料分析与实践》《场景音乐材料分析与实践》的学习,从而让音乐充实你的头脑,让艺术影响你的人生。

Welcome to “2+3+3 Technology and Practice”-Music Aesthetic Course System. Conventional music learning should be started from basic knowledge and skills. In particular, Music Basic Ability Training-Solfeggio is a basic skill course to be mastered in music learning. The course adopts the teaching mode of “real music”, emotionality and directionality to guide students to experience and appreciate aesthetics. On the basis of understanding the key points of music meter, tempo, dynamics, timbre, pitch, mode and tonality, students are guided to apply the acquired knowledge to creation, performance and singing through “classroom learning, performance practice”, etc. This can effectively stimulate and enhance students’ innovative consciousness and creative vitality, cultivate their practical skills and improve the artistic accomplishment of comprehensive talents in science and engineering. After studying two basic courses (Basic Knowledge in Music-Music Theory and Music Basic Ability Training-Solfeggio), you will have an opportunity to study three analysis and practice courses (Analysis and Practice of Piano Works, Analysis and Practice of String Music Works, Analysis and Practice of Wind (Percussion) Music Works) and three advanced courses (Analysis and Practice of Chamber Music Works, Analysis and Practice of Symphony Works and Analysis and Practice of Scene Music Materials) and let music enrich your minds and art influence your life.


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