高等机构学及其应用 (戴建生)ME3152023秋 2022秋  
2023秋 2022秋
  • 课程难度:你猜
  • 作业多少:你猜
  • 给分好坏:你猜
  • 收获大小:你猜
选课类别:专业任务 教学语言:英文
课程类别:专业选修课 开课单位:机械与能源工程系
课程层次:本科 获得学分:3.0

Startingfrom the basic theory of mechanisms, this lecture prepares the necessarymathematical basis such as vector algebra and matrix theory, and teaches thepreparation basis of screw algebra. On this basis, the lecture teaches theconcept of mechanisms and the representation of a mechanism, including the atlasrepresentation, the schematic representation, the mechanism vector diagram, themechanism topology diagram, the matrix representation of a mechanism, and the screwrepresentation of a mechanism, etc. Based on these representations, the lectureteaches the analysis method including the homogeneous transformation matrix, theclosed-loop equation, the vector equation and the screw equation. The staticsand stiffness analysis, the kinematics and statics, and the closed-loop andopen-loop mechanisms are analyzed. The lecture further introduces synthesis methodssuch as type synthesis, size synthesis, atlas synthesis, superposition method, andanalysis synthesis.Withthe teaching of these classical and common methodologies of mechanisms, the lecturewill teach several famous classical mechanisms, including the four-bar spatialmechanism, the five bar spatial mechanisms, and the six bar spatial mechanism,etc. Based on the teaching of these knowledges, the lecture teaches parallelmechanisms, followed by several famous modern mechanisms, including metamorphicmechanisms, origami mechanisms, and geometrical block-mechanisms. The aboveknowledges lay the foundation for the final lecture of the course and lead tothe application of mechanisms in robotics, including the deployable antenna, themetamaterial and the metamorphic walking robots.


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