Ultrafast spectroscopy is an important method to study the light-matterinteraction using ultrashort femtosecond laser pulses, which plays an importantrole in the development of the materials science, chemistry, and physics. Inthis course, students are expected to learn the fundamentals of ultrafastoptics and spectroscopy, related experimental techniques, and the frontiers of theapplications with ultrafast spectroscopy.The contentsof the course include the fundamentals of light-matter interaction, linear andnonlinear optical effects, the generation and characterization of ultrashortlaser pulses, several typical ultrafast spectroscopic methods includingultrafast fluorescence, pump-probe spectroscopy, and two-dimensionalspectroscopy, and important applications of ultrafast spectroscopy in materialsscience, chemistry, and physics. By attending this course, the studentswill gain basis knowledge of ultrafast spectroscopy, which will bebeneficial not only for performing relevant experiments inscientific research but also for working in the field/industry of optoelectronictechnology and information, solar energy conversion, and laser instrumentation.