大数据与公共健康管理 (姜帆)ITC0022023秋 2023春  
2023秋 2023春
  • 课程难度:你猜
  • 作业多少:你猜
  • 给分好坏:你猜
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选课类别:文理通识 教学语言:英文
课程类别:国际化人才培养 开课单位:高等教育研究中心
课程层次:本科 获得学分:2.0
突发的新冠肺炎疫情,给社会经济造成巨大损失,也给人们日常生活造成巨大影响。近期,全球的疫情反复再次引起人类的紧张情绪。而如何借助大数据和AI技术,及时感知和预警新发突发传染病的征兆,提高公共卫生监测的灵敏度、及时性和有效性,也成为业界深思的问题。大数据(big data),是指无法在一定时间范围内用常规软件工具进行捕捉、管理和处理的数据集合,是需要新处理模式才能具有更强的决策力、洞察发现力和流程优化能力的海量、高增长率和多样化的信息资产。而大数据与公共卫生的研究也是近些年来新兴的交叉学科。在公共卫生领域中引进大数据很有必要,大数据不仅能够为相关机构带来非常大的经济效益,也能带来巨大的社会效益,还能使社会秩序得到维护,国家安全得到保障。对于疾病的预测,医药产品的研发,各种疾病的诊断治疗,公民健康事业的管理都能产生不可替代的作用。在本课程中,我们将讨论大数据和基于此的人工智能的概念、目标、方向、挑战及应用,并将演示如何使用大数据及人工智能解决医疗保健领域的广泛问题。

The COVID-19outbreak has taken a huge toll on society and the economy, as well as onpeople's Daily lives. Recently, the global epidemic has repeatedly caused humantension. How to use big data and AI technology to timely perceive and warn thesigns of emerging infectious diseases and improve the sensitivity, timeliness,and effectiveness of public health monitoring has also become a serious issuefor the industry.?Big data refersto the collection of data that cannot be captured, managed, and processed byconventional software tools within a certain period of time. It is a massive,high-growth, and diversified information asset that requires a new processingmode to have stronger decision-making ability, insight and discovery ability,and process optimization ability. The research on big data and public health isalso an emerging interdisciplinary subject in recent years. It is necessary tointroduce big data in the field of public health. Big data can not only bringhuge economic benefits to relevant institutions, but also bring huge socialbenefits, and help maintain social order and ensure national security. Theprediction of diseases, the research, and development of medical products, thediagnosis and treatment of various diseases, and the management of citizens'health undertakings can all play an irreplaceable role.?In this course,we will discuss the concepts, goals, directions, challenges, and applicationsof big data and ai based on it, and demonstrate how big data and AI can be usedto solve a wide range of problems in healthcare.


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