皮肤病与性病学 (张江林-外聘)MED4172024春 2023春 2022春  
2024春 2023春 2022春
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选课类别:专业任务 教学语言:双语
课程类别:专业核心课 开课单位:医学院
课程层次:未知 获得学分:1.5
《皮肤病及性病学》课程内容设置包括皮肤病总论和各疾病分论,皮肤病及性病学是研究皮肤病和性病的发生、发展规律、诊断及防治原则的学问。皮肤性病学疾病种类繁多,对皮肤病的描述和定义依赖于对皮肤损害的描述和把握。本课程分为两部分:总论包括皮肤的结构与功能,皮肤病、性病的病因、表现、诊断、预防与治疗;各论包括感染性皮肤病、变态反应性皮肤病、红斑鳞屑性皮肤病,皮肤附属器病,结缔组织病,性病等。这一门课程主要适用于临床医学本科学生使用,教材为国家统编人卫第九版《皮肤性病学》 ,结合临床案例,涵盖本科生教学中需掌握的皮肤性病学的主要内容。皮肤病及性病学是一门实用性较强的临床课程,使学生通过学习掌握常见皮肤疾病和性传播疾病的诊疗知识与技能。

The course content of Dermatovenereology includes a general theory of skin diseases and individual diseases. Dermatovenereology is the science of studying the occurrence, development rules, diagnosis and prevention principles of skin diseases and venereal diseases. There are 2000 thousands of dermatological diseases, and the description and definition of skin diseases depends on the description and understanding of skin lesions. This course is divided into two parts: the general introduction includes the structure and function of the skin, the etiology, manifestations, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of skin diseases and venereal diseases; the monographs include infectious skin diseases, allergic skin diseases, and erythematous scaly skin diseases, skin appendage disease, connective tissue disease, venereal disease, etc. This course is mainly suitable for undergraduates of clinical medicine. The textbook is the ninth edition of "Dermatology and Venereology" compiled by the National Health Commission. Combined with clinical cases, this course covers the main contents of Dermatovenereology that need to be mastered in undergraduate teaching. This course is a practical clinical course that enables students to master the knowledge and skills of diagnosis and treatment of common skin diseases and sexually transmitted diseases.


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