合成生物学前沿 (何涟)MED50362023秋 2023春  
2023秋 2023春
  • 课程难度:你猜
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选课类别:专业任务 教学语言:中文
课程类别:专业选修课 开课单位:医学院
课程层次:研究生 获得学分:3.0
       合成生物学是一门汇集生物技术、生物工程、基因组学、材料科学、系统生物学、生物进化、和生物信息与计算等的交叉学科,旨在设计、改造、重建生物分子和生物元件,细胞回路、构建人工的生物系统,以加速生命科学的基础研究和满足人们在生物新能源,医药诊断及治疗的需求。      合成生物学建立在分子,细胞和系统生物学等学科优点的基础上,并在近年来取得了快速的发展。在本课程中,我们将从常用合成生物学元件、基因编辑、基因表达调控、蛋白工程、细胞回路与改造、以及诊断医疗应用等方面进行介绍;并着重讲述合成生物学的两个重要分支- 光遗传学和化学遗传学的相关技术方法和应用;同时结合文献阅读和讨论的方式学习本学科面临的挑战和最新的研究进展。      通过课程的学习,达到以下目标:1. 让学生学习和了解合成生物学的基础知识及前沿领域进展;2. 培养学生逻辑思维能力;3. 训练提高学生文献阅读和演讲能力。希望学生能够将所学的技术和思维方法应用在自己的课题研究中,为后续的深造学习和科学研究奠定重要基础。

     Synthetic biology is aninterdisciplinary science including biotechnology, bioengineering, genomics,material science, systems biology, evolutionary biology, bioinformatics andcomputation, and so forth. It seeks to redesign, reconstruct, and create newbiological molecules and parts, devices, and biosystems to accelerate life scienceresearch and meet the needs of developing new bioenergy, medical diagnosis, andtherapy.     It is based on the advantagesof studying molecular biology, cell biology and systems biology, and hasachieved rapid development in recent years. In this synthetic biology course,we introduce topics by giving background information on basic biologicalcomponents, genome editing, regulation of gene expression, protein engineering,cell circuits and engineering, and medical diagnosis and applications. The courseemphasizes two important fields of synthetic biology: Optogenetics andchemogenetics to learn the concepts, technology development and applications.The course also provides opportunities for students to learn challenges and themost recent technical progress in synthetic biology through literature readingand discussion.     The main objectives of thiscourse are: 1. To expose students to the basic knowledge and trends insynthetic biology; 2. To develop students’ innovative and critical thinking; 3.To improve the skills of literature reading and presentation. It is hoped thatstudents can apply the techniques and logical thinking to their own researchprojects, laying an important foundation for further study and scientificresearch.


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