DS323. 人工智能与设计本课程的目的是建立设计与人工智能的桥梁,涵盖了人工智能的基本理论概念和应用框架,包括机器学习、深度学习、数据、智能产品的设计流程和技术要求分析。学生将学习和实践人工智能赋能的产品和服务设计,充分在设计中利用人工智能技术来创造用户价值、商业价值和社会价值,其中技术包括视觉智能、刚柔交互、生成设计。通过本课程的学习,学生能够与人工智能科学家和工程师的交流与协作,完成 AI 赋能产品和服务的设计与开发。本课程可根据校外合作机构相关安排等情况组织实地考察,课程内容可能会根据课程目标和实际情况调整。
DS323. AI in DesignThe goal of this course is to build a bridge between the discipline of design and that of artificial intelligence (AI). The course covers basic concepts and frameworks of artificial intelligence and its applications, including machine learning, deep learning, source of data, design process and decomposition of the design needs for technique requirements. This course is intended for design students aiming at shaping products and services powered by AI, leveraging vision-based intelligence, rigid-soft material interaction, generative design, and user interaction into user, business, and social value, promoting adoption of AI in design across disciplines. By the end of this course, the students should be able to communicate and collaborate with AI scientists and engineers while developing new product or service solutions with AI. The course will include field trips depending on availability and external collaborator and the contents are subject to change to fulfill the course objectives.