
(王帅)MEE52102024秋 2022秋 2022春 2021春 2020春  
2024秋 2022秋 2022春 2021春 2020春
  • 课程难度:你猜
  • 作业多少:你猜
  • 给分好坏:你猜
  • 收获大小:你猜
选课类别:专业任务 教学语言:英文
课程类别:专业核心课 开课单位:机械与能源工程系
课程层次:研究生 获得学分:3.0
“Seeing is believing”,表征与分析手段已经成为多数学科研究中不可缺少的重要组成部分。使用电子显微学对微观组织进行观察是表征与分析的重要一环。固体中的微观组织结构,如空位、位错、表面与界面、裂纹等,其性质往往决定了固体本身的性能。随着材料科学、纳米技术、薄膜技术及精密加工等学科方向的发展,微观组织与性能的关系越来越受到关注,例如:通过控制点缺陷可以改变二维材料的性质,通过改变位错的分布和运动状态可以强化材料,采用表面加工改性可以提升和改善薄膜能耐,以及改善粉末冶金和增材制造的产品性能,通过晶界工程学可以获得超高强度结构材料,通过表面镀膜使基体抗裂纹、抗腐蚀、抗辐射等。加强微观组织电子显微学表征理论和相关技术应用的教育是促进交叉学科发展、进行教育改革、科技发展和经济建设的客观要求。该课程主要目的是向机械工程、材料科学与工程、应用物理、化学、航空航天工程、微电子科学与工程的学生介绍与固体中微观组织相关的的基础理论、表征及分析技术,并提高运用理论解决工程应用问题的能力。通过重点掌握扫描电镜显微学、透射电镜显微学、原子力显微学等表征手段的基本原理,增强学生对微观组织结构的电子显微学研究方法的认识,提升在相关科研和工作领域的分析能力。通过学习,学生应可以: 熟知米勒指数和基本晶体学。理解缺陷分析中的基础热力学原理,认识能量与原子排列几何的关系。 认识固体中缺陷的种类及其重要性,熟知点缺陷和位错的分类。了解固体界面的取向错配角、点缺陷、原子的共格与非共格关系对固体性能的影响。 熟知重要的分析微观组织、原子结构、三维形貌、化学成分的表征手段的基本原理。 理解电子与固体相互作用机制,认识不同种类射线在显微学分析上的功用,了解abbe衍射极限和布拉格定理。 描述扫描电镜、聚焦离子束、透射电镜观察显像和基本分析原理,熟知分析电子显微学的优越性和局限性,认识在电镜测试中衬度、分辨率、景深等的含义。 通过文献学习和实际操作,认识获得具有可出版质量的电镜图片必须具备的要素。通过课堂练习,熟悉高质量学术期刊图片的要求、编辑和排版方法。

Seeing isbelieving, characterization and analysis are essential components for researches in many areas. Investigation ofmicrostructure by using electron microscopy is one of the most important and challengingpart for characterization. As theadvances of materials science, nano-tech, thin films, and precision machining,lots of attentions have been drawn to the observation and manipulation ofmicrostructure. Forinstance, the manipulation of point defects can modify the properties of two-dimensionalmaterials, the mechanical properties of materials are controlled by thedistribution and evolution of dislocations, the modification of interfacesstructure can change the property of films and increase the product quality ofadditive manufactured materials, grain boundary engineering has been used to strengthenmetals, deposition of films can increase the resistance to fracture, corrosionand irradiation. The ability for characterization and analysis of microstructure is critical for studentsplanned to work in area of design of structural materials, thin films,semiconductor, micro- and nano- devices, precision machining, and additivemanufacturing. The objectiveof this course is to acquaint students in Mechanical Engineering, MaterialsScience and Engineering, Applied Physics, Chemistry, Aerospace Engineering, andMicroelectronics Science and Engineering with fundamental theory, applicationand analysis methods of microstructure, andenhance the student’s ability of understanding and using the theory of microstructure formation andevolution to solveengineering problem. By acquainting student with the basic theory andcharacterization methods in scanning electron microscopy, focused ion beam,transmission electron microscopy, and electron back-scattering diffractionpattern analysis, improve their understanding of microstructure in differentscales, and promote their researching and working ability in the related field.After thecourse the student should be able to: Know Miller index and basics of Crystallography. Understand the basic thermodynamics used in analysis of microstructure, and the connection between energy and atomic arrangement. Describe different kinds of defects in solid and their importance in science and engineering. Know different types of interface, and give the physical meaning of the misorientation, point defects, and coherent/incoherent relation in interface. Know the fundamental methods for characterizing microstructure, atomic configuration, roughness, 3D tomography, and composition distribution of surface and interface, and understand their basic principles. Understand the interaction between electrons and solids. Known the usage of different type of signals. Know the concept and principle of Abbe diffraction limits and Bragg equation. Describe the theory of imaging and investigation methods in scanning electron microscope, focused ion beam and transmission electron microscope. Know the cons and pros of scanning electron microscope and transmission electron microscope. Understand the meaning of contrast, resolution, depth of field in microscope. Know how to make high quality images for publication. According to practice in class, understand the general requirement, editing method and typical typeset.


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