
(赵易山)GEM0692024秋 2023秋  
2024秋 2023秋
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选课类别:文理通识 教学语言:中文
课程类别:美育类 开课单位:艺术中心
课程层次:本科 获得学分:2.0

Welcome to enter the “2+1” general education integration training course system.This course aims to implement the requirements of the General Offices of the Communist Party Central Committee and State Council and the Ministry of Education on aesthetic education teaching, achieve the school-running goal of cultivating top-notch innovative talents in “double first-class” universities, build an international high-level research university, and carry out the aesthetic education course construction with the characteristics of school running and students of Southern University of Science and Technology.Based on years of research results, the course developers have interrelated, intersected and interacted basic music courses and general education music courses to design a series of “big ecological music courses” for the students of Southern University of Science and Technology. General education music courses include Appreciation of Chinese Instrumental Music Works, Appreciation of Foreign Instrumental Music Works, Appreciation of Chinese Piano Works, Appreciation of Chinese Mainstream Music Works in the New Era, etc., forming a training system of general education courses for aesthetic education.Instrumental music, as one of the two major forms of music (“vocal music and instrumental music”), is an indispensable part of general aesthetic education. Appreciation of Foreign Instrumental Music Works is another course after Appreciation of Chinese Instrumental Music Works, covering two major categories: The first one is the classic works performed by western symphony orchestras, including three parts (string music, wind music and percussion music), and their intertwined musical forms (such as solos, concertos, chamber music, symphonies, symphonic poems, music drama, jazz music, light music, dance music and serenades). The second one is the Chinese-style works performed by foreign musical instruments, such as the violin piece Sunshine on Tashkurgan and the piano piece Shepherd Boy Piccolo.The course combines the appreciation of foreign instrumental music works, basic knowledge and performance skills so that students can learn about the aesthetic characteristics of the representative works of foreign musical instruments and the works of Chinese musical styles played by foreign musical instruments, strengthen the organic connection among musical theoretical knowledge, skill training and aesthetic ability, improve music students’ musical perception and aesthetic ability, and cultivate their good artistic quality. Based on the knowledge of classroom teaching, this course guides students to design, compose and perform the works in a group cooperation way by applying the theories gained from teaching, and guides them to achieve the effect of “feeling, perception, apperception and practice” through the integration of “classroom learning, independent thinking, daily training, self-presentation and experience practice”.You can also learn Chinese Instrumental Music Works, Appreciation of Foreign Instrumental Music Works, Appreciation of Chinese Piano Works and Appreciation of Chinese Mainstream Music Works in the New Era, etc. in different semesters so that music can influence their mind and make music affect their aesthetics.
user avatar   John_Stephens     2024秋
  • 难度:简单
  • 作业:中等
  • 给分:超好
  • 收获:一般

  • 平时作业:老师每周会在群里发好多他找的曲子,然后你可以选其中的一首或者自己找感兴趣的写写自己听完的感受。
  • 期中和期末都是是一个简短的pre,期末的pre内容是这个学期每周作业的所有的内容。
  • 课程涉猎广泛,主要包括小提琴独奏乐曲,铜管乐曲,木管乐器,打击乐器等等。赵老师之前在中央音乐学院,专业性没的说,上课给你放一放他精心挑选的曲子,然后给你讲一讲他的看法。


user avatar   匿名用户     2023秋
  • 难度:简单
  • 作业:很多
  • 给分:一般
  • 收获:一般




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