毕业设计 (Christiane Herr)DS4202024春  
  • 课程难度:你猜
  • 作业多少:你猜
  • 给分好坏:你猜
  • 收获大小:你猜
选课类别:专业任务 教学语言:英文
课程类别:专业基础课 开课单位:创新创意设计学院
课程层次:未知 获得学分:8.0
工业设计工程学士的毕业论文项目是学生在学习期间完成的最终和最全面的项目。毕业设计是一个为期一年的自主项目,将学生以前的学习整合成一个连贯的形式。学生将展示他们管理和指导项目工作以及批判性和独立思考的能力。毕业论文项目分以下几个步骤进行:1)选题,2)毕业项目评审和申报,3)开题报告的发表和提交,4)毕业设计进展报告,5)中期评审,6)最终评审,7)毕业展。第1 步至第 3 步在秋季学期进行,第4 步至第 7 步在春季学期进行。学生可以单独或团队合作。对于团队合作项目,必须明确说明个人贡献,以便进行评估。在适当的情况下,学生可以与行业合作来定义项目和/或交付项目。技能: 沟通、创新、项目管理、领导力流程(详见《设计学院毕业设计计划条例》):一、选题公布论文导师和教员课题名单,可在第一、第二、第三选择的基础上相互选择。2. 最后一年项目审查和申报最终成绩的确认和学生选题的申报。3. 开幕报告(作为DS402研究项目的一部分进行评估)项目报告的撰写与DS402研究项目课程相结合。作为DS402的最终成果和毕业论文项目的开幕报告,学生将制作一份以设计为导向的研究报告,该报告侧重于背景研究和毕业论文主题的初步设计概念的发展。4. 毕业设计进展报告(20%)毕业设计进展报告在春季学期开始时提交和评估。5. 中期审查中期审查在春季学期中期进行。检查学生在毕业论文项目中的进展情况,并提供形成性反馈。6. 最终评审 (20%)最终评审安排在春季学期的第14周进行。学生向导师小组和外部嘉宾展示他们的最终成果。内部评审员评估学生设计过程的质量和结果的质量。7. 毕业展 (60%)毕业展在春季学期结束时举行。获得毕业展参赛资格的学生,除了各种形式的工艺模型外,还将在毕业展上通过高质量的视觉材料、实物模型等媒体作品进行展示和展示。学生的作品由一个由所有毕业论文导师组成的小组进行评估。

The graduation thesis project of theBEng Industrial Design Engineering is the final and most comprehensive projectstudents accomplish during their studies. The graduation project is aself-directed project conducted over the course of one year that integrates students’previous learning in a coherent form. Students will demonstrate their abilityto manage and direct their project work and think critically and independently.The graduation thesis project is conducted in the following steps: 1) Topicselection, 2) Final Year Project Review and Declaration, 3) Opening Reportpresentation and submission, 4) Project Development Report, 5) Mid- termReview, 6) Final Review, and 7) Graduation Exhibition. Steps 1 to 3 areconducted in the fall semester, Steps 4 to 7 are conducted in the springsemester. Students can work individually or inteams. For teamwork projects, individual contributions have to be clearlystated for the purpose of assessment. Where appropriate, students may engagewith industry to define the project and/or deliver it. Skills: Communication, innovation,project management, leadership Process (fordetails see the School of Design Graduation Project Regulations):1. TopicselectionAnnouncement of the list of thesissupervisors and faculty member's topics available for mutual selection based onfirst, second and third choice.2. Final YearProject Review and DeclarationConfirmation of final results anddeclaration of students’ topic selection.3. OpeningReport (assessed as part of DS402 Research Project)Writing of the project report isintegrated with the DS402 Research Project course. As final outcome of DS402and as Opening Report for the graduation thesis project, students produce adesign-oriented research report that focuses on background research and thedevelopment of a preliminary design concept for the graduation thesis topic.4. ProjectDevelopment Report(20%)The Design Development Report ispresented and assessed in the beginning of the spring semester.5. Mid- termReviewThe mid-term review is organized in themiddle of the spring semester. Students' progress in the graduation thesisproject is checked and formative feedback is offered.6. Final Review(20%)The final review is scheduled in week14 of the spring semester. Students present their final outcomes to a panel ofsupervisors and external guests. Internal reviewers assess the quality ofstudents’ design process and the quality of the outcomes.7. GraduationExhibition (60%)The Graduation Exhibition is held at the end of the spring term.Students who have been qualified to participate in the Graduation Exhibitionwill present and demonstrate their works through high quality visual materials,physical models and other media works in addition to various forms of processmodels at the Graduation Exhibition. Student works are assessed by a panel consistingof all graduation thesis supervisors.


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Christiane Herr




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