大数据与精准医学 (胡宇慧)MED2242024春  
  • 课程难度:你猜
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选课类别:专业任务 教学语言:双语
课程类别:专业选修课 开课单位:医学院
课程层次:未知 获得学分:3.0
随着人类基因组计划的完成,医学生命科学进入“后基因组时代”,迎来以系统生物学和功能基因组学为代表的新兴学科的快速发展,也发明了多种尖端的组学工具,特别是高通量 DNA 测序技术、单细胞多组学工具、众多生物信息学工具和数据库。此类“多组学大数据”为系统层面研究人类复杂的生理/病理分子网络,实现个性化精准医疗带来了机遇。本课程聚焦多组学前沿,讲授2大核心模块: 1)精准医疗中多组学大数据组成和组学技术;2)多组学技术和大数据在个体化精准医疗的临床运用。通过本课程学习,学生将熟练掌握“后基因组”时代多种组学大数据的基本概念、数据产生的技术变革,特别是在基因组学/转录组学/表观调控组学/蛋白质组学/代谢组学/表型组学领域内的尖端组学工具,并掌握如何用于研究导致疾病发展和治疗反应个体差异的遗传/非遗传性变异。此外,学生可分析与临床紧密相关的多种疾病精准医疗实例,了解精准医疗的临床现状和前景、机遇和挑战、伦理等方面的知识,并发表自己的见解。本课程可推动现代多组学发展现状和精准医学发展方向的普及教育,使其掌握生命科学和医学领域近20年来前沿学科和组学技术的发展,了解临床医学重要的发展方向“精准医学”的核心内涵、数据组成、前景及挑战。使其全面理解和掌握如何选择、设计和分析不同组学技术大数据,从而推动生物医学基础研究、医学转化研究项目的开展;也为后续各医学专科的学习和紧跟前沿进展奠定基础。

With the success ofHuman Genome Project, medical life sciences entered the “post-genomic era”,have achieved rapid advancement in Functional Genomics & Systems Biology,and invented multiple cutting-edge multi-Omics technologies, e.g. thehigh-throughput DNA sequencing technologies, single cell-based omics tools, andthe numerous bioinformatics tools/databases. These kind of multi-Omics big datahas opened the chance to investigate complex biological networks at globallevel, and to achieve the most efficient therapy through personalized medicine,namely “Precision Medicine” (PM). This course delivers two main modules aboutPM: 1)Composition of multi-omics big data & omics tools in PrecisionMedicine, including concept of multi-omics, technological development &characteristics for big data production and analyses; 2)Case studies ofapplication of multi-omics tools and big data for PM on clinic. Within this course, students will be proficient in thebasic concepts and knowledge of multi-Omics that are emerging in thepost-Genomic era, in particular, the cutting-edge omics tools in the context ofgenomics, transcriptomics, epigenomics, proteomics, metabolomics, and phenomics,and also learn to use them to study disease development and genetic/non-geneticvariation of individual differences in therapeutic response. In addition,students can learn multiple clinical cases of precision medicine in treatingdifferent types of diseases, and master the status, prospects, opportunitiesand challenges, ethics, etc. of pharmacogenomics and precision medicine, andexpress their own insights.This course can promote the basic education on functional genomics,multi-omics in the post-genome era and opportunities and challenges ofprecision medicine. Students can learn the cutting-edge omics emerging in thepast 20 years, grasp the contents, big data composition, future, and challengesof PM as the new direction of clinical therapy. This course makes them capableof understanding and designing multi-omics tools as well as big data analyses,and thus facilitate their basic and translational medical or life sciences. Italso serves as the course foundation for understanding the recent advancementsin specified clinical medical subjects.


