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选课类别:专业任务 教学语言:双语
课程类别:专业核心课 开课单位:医学院
课程层次:本科 获得学分:3.0
外科学是医学科学的一个重要组成部分,外科学总论是临床医学外科学及全科医师的专业基础课。外科学的范畴是在整个医学的发展历史中形成,并且不断更新变化的,它包括许多疾病,并涉及到这些疾病的病因、发生、发展、病理、诊断、预防和治疗等的知识。通过对外科学总论的学习,使学生掌握外科学的基本知识、基础理论和基本操作技能。外科学总论主要讲述外科疾病的基本知识、基本理论,即外科疾病的病因、发展规律、病理、临床表现、系统检查、诊断要点、鉴别诊断、预防和治疗原则、手术适应症等。同时要学习外科基本操作技能,主要是培养医学生建立严格的无菌观念、得到规范的无菌操作和手术基本操作技术的训练。 外科学总论的教学过程包括课堂讲授和见习,同时,为扩大学生的知识面,有部分章节安排为自学内容。讲授内容主要以基础理论为主,以常见病、多发病为重点,贯彻预防为主的方针,适当介绍国内外医学的新成就,以反映现代医学科学的发展水平,并强调基础理论和临床的结合。对于要“掌握”的内容,教师应讲深、讲透,学生应深入领会其基本知识或基本理论,以便运用于临床实践;对要“熟悉”的内容,教师应重点地讲解,学生应在全面理解其内容的基础上抓住重点;对要“了解”的内容,教师可作概括的讲解,学生则对此有一般的认识。对自学内容,也对学生在自学时作了不同的要求。实验部分通过外科实验增强学生学习外科的积极性。使学生树立严格的无菌操作观念,掌握洗手、穿手术衣、戴无菌手套、消毒、铺巾、切开、分离、止血、结扎、缝合、引流等外科手术操作的基本技能。熟悉阑尾切除术、脾切除术、胃肠修补术、肠切除吻合术等外科基本手术方法。强化理论基础知识的掌握,为临床实习打下良好基础。 学习外科学总论必须贯彻理论与实践相结合的原则,要重视外科学的基本知识、基本理论和基本技能的学习,刻苦钻研业务技术,精益求精,努力提高为人民服务的本领。

 Surgery is an important part of medical science. General Surgery is a professional basic course for clinical medical surgery and general practitioners. The category of surgery is formed in the entire history of medical development and is constantly updated. It includes many diseases and involves knowledge of the etiology, occurrence, development, pathology, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of these diseases. Through the study of the general theory of Surgery, students can comprehend the basic knowledge, basic theories and basic operational skills of Surgery.General Surgery mainly explains the basic knowledge and basic theories of surgical diseases, namely the etiology, development rules, pathology, clinical manifestations, systematic examinations, diagnosis points, differential diagnosis, principles of prevention and treatment, and surgical indications of surgical diseases. At the same time, it is necessary to learn basic surgical skills, for training medical students to establish a strict concept of aseptic, get standardized aseptic operations and basic surgical techniques.The teaching process of General Surgery includes lectures and internships, at the same time, in order to expand students' knowledge, some chapters are arranged as self-study content. The lecture content is mainly based on basic theories, focusing on common diseases and frequently-occurring diseases, implementing a prevention-oriented policy, appropriately introducing new achievements in medicine at home and abroad, reflecting the development level of modern medical science, and emphasizing the combination of basic theories and clinical. For the content to be “mastered“, the teacher should speak thoroughly, and the students should comprehend the basic knowledge or basic theories so that they can be used in clinical practice; for the content to be “familiar“, the teacher should focus on the explanation, and the students should get the key points on the basis of a comprehensive understanding of its content; teachers can give a general explanation of the content to be “understood“, while students have a general understanding of it. For the content of self-study, different requirements are also made for students during self-study.In the experimental part, students' enthusiasm in learning surgery is enhanced through surgical experiments, it will enable students to establish a strict concept of aseptic operation and master the basic skills of surgical operations such as washing hands, wearing surgical gowns, wearing sterile gloves, disinfection, draping, incision, separation, hemostasis, ligation, suture, and drainage. Students should familiar with basic surgical methods such as appendectomy, splenectomy, gastrointestinal repair, bowel resection and anastomosis. This part will strengthen the basic knowledge of students and lay a good foundation for their clinical practice.The study of General Surgery must implement the principle of combining theory with practice, pay attention to the study of basic knowledge, basic theories and basic skills of surgery, study business skills assiduously, strive for perfection, and strive to improve the ability to serve the people.


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