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选课类别:专业任务 教学语言:英文
课程类别:专业必修课 开课单位:医学院
课程层次:研究生 获得学分:3.0

        The course“Cancer Biology Principles and Advances” is based on the following rationales:cancer research is a major area of biological and medical sciences, malignanttumors constitute the first cause of disease-induced deaths in China, and thebiomedical industry, including anticancer drugs development, is one of theseven strategic future industries in Shenzhen. This course covers 21 topics inall major areas of cancer biology, including cell proliferation anddifferentiation, cell survival and death, DNA damage response and genomicinstability, cell invasion and tumor metastasis, tumor microenvironment andtumor progression, tumor metabolism and therapies, tumor immune evasion, andtumor prevention and tumor diagnosis and treatment, etc. Each topic takes twoclasses. In the first class, the lecturer will teach related concepts andprinciples. In the second class, the lecturer will guide the students topresent and discuss research papers representing critical advances in thatday’s topic. The second class not only strengthens a student’s understanding ofconcepts and principles but also helps a student learn and think about advancesin a research area. The course will also include 2-3 research seminars, eachpresented by a first-line scientist in a field and covering the presenter’sup-to-date research. After this course’s study, one will master the basicconcepts and principles in all major areas of cancer biology, understandresearch advances in these areas, and receive training in research thinking andideas.


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