传播学导论 (郭倩)SS1692024春  
  • 课程难度:你猜
  • 作业多少:你猜
  • 给分好坏:你猜
  • 收获大小:你猜
选课类别:文理通识 教学语言:双语
课程类别:社科类 开课单位:社会科学中心
课程层次:未知 获得学分:2.0

In the digital era of rapid development of information technology, people are in the "connection" relationship of multi-media complex communication all the time. How to correctly perceive this new communication era? How to better understand the information content, communication space and multiple communication relationships we face every day? These are some of the unavoidable and universal questions that we may face in our lives, studies, and future work. This course introduces and explains the basic knowledge about communication behavior and the basic theories of communication, discusses how to better understand different communication modes and achieve more effective communication in different contexts. Furthermore, the course discusses how to rationally think about and look at the cultural hotspots and phenomena through the application of communication theories and practical case studies of the current cultural phenomena. The aim of this course is to enable students to improve their self-expression and teamwork skills in daily life, and to be able to think deeply about the network of relationships woven by new media and new modes of communication, and to stimulate personalized creativity and personalized expression.


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