
  • 课程难度:你猜
  • 作业多少:你猜
  • 给分好坏:你猜
  • 收获大小:你猜
选课类别:专业任务 教学语言:双语
课程类别:专业核心课 开课单位:计算机科学与工程系
课程层次:未知 获得学分:3.0
本课程为学生们讲解操作系统的设计原理和实现方法。在理论层面,本课程将介绍操作系统的基本概念,分类,和历史发展,重点讲述的操作系统的三个功能:虚拟化、并发性、和持久化,以及操作系如何管理的三种计算机的主要资源:中央处理器、内存、I/O和文件系统。在实践方面,本课程将指导学生从零开始构建操作系统,通过自己动手搭建一个简单的教学操作系统原型,学习中断处理、内存管理、虚拟内存、进程管理、进程调度、文件系统管理等相关知识。完成本课程后,预期学生将掌握以下知识和能力: 操作系统的进程管理:深入理解进程的创建和终止,理解进程的生命周期中的状态转换,理解进程切换的过程,熟悉进程调度的常用算法,掌握进程间通信和同步的原理和方法,了解死锁的防御和检测方法。能够编程在内核中实现简单的进程管理和进程调度算法。操作系统的内存管理:熟悉各种内存管理的方式,理解虚拟内存的概念、分页原则和地址转换的方法。能够在内核中实现简单的页面替换算法。操作系统的I/O管理:了解I/O设备管理、以及I/O处理的的方法。了解储存的管理方法和文件系统的几种实现方法。能够在内核中对文件系统进行改进。

This course willintroduce design principles and implementation methodologies. On the theoryside, this course will present the basic concept of operating systems, theirtaxonomy, and the evolution of classical operating systems. It will focus onthe three important functionalities of an operating system: virtualization,concurrency, and persistence. Students will learn how the operating system managesCPU, memory, and I/O and filesystems. On the practice side, the course willguide the students to build an educational operating system from scratch. Theywill learn how to handle interrupts, manage physical memory and virtual memory,manage processes, and schedule processes and build file systems.On completion ofthis course, the student should be able to master the following knowledge andskills: Process management:understand in depth the creation and termination of a process, understand statetransition in the life cycle of a process, understand context switch, befamiliar with common process scheduling algorithms, master the theory andpractice of inter-process synchronization and communication, be familiar withdeadlock prevention and avoidance algorithms. The students should be able toimplement simple process management and scheduling algorithm in the educationaloperating system kernel. Memory management:be familiar with various memory management methods, understand the concept ofvirtual memory, demand paging, and address translation. The students should beable to implement simple page replacement algorithm in the educationaloperating system kernel. I/O management: befamiliar with I/O device management and I/O operations, understand the managementof storage and common organization of file systems. The students should be ableto improve file system implementation in the educational operating systemkernel.


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