Informationvisualization is the process of inventing novel visual metaphors to help discoverunderlying patterns in data by leveraging the strong visual cognitioncapabilities of humans. It draws from the fields of human-computer interaction, visual design,computer science, and cognitive science, among others. Informationvisualizations should take into account the needs of the target group inspecific scenarios and the features of the dataset, as well as employ the mostsuitable visual encoding and metaphor to make the abstract, complex informationunderstandable in visual form. This course covers the basics and existingtechniques of information visualization and visual analysis through lecturesand workshops. Students will also get hands-on experience on the process ofresearch, design, implementation and evaluation through a course project. Through this course, students will learn about:1. An overview of the field of information visualization and existingtechniques.2. The design process and principles of information visualization.3. Methods for exploring and analyzing a dataset.4. Conducting formative studies through the analysis of applicationscenarios, user needs, and data characteristics.5. Designing the visual encoding and interaction of an informationvisualization system.6. Prototype development.7. System evaluation.8. Consolidating contributions to information visualization and visualanalysis research.