Lecture and practicalcourses, 3 (2+1) credits, 4 (2+2) hours per week. Software development isbecoming increasingly important in the fields of life sciences. Proficiency in bioinformaticssoftware development could help biologists quickly identify underlying biologicalmechanisms behind the scenes. Currently, there is no course covering softwaredevelopment in microbial genomics at SUSTech. This course will introducestudents to the advanced software development techniques in microbial genomics.Students will learn how to use Python to analyze and visualize genomic data andgain experience developing machine-learning and deep-learning models forgenomics applications. Upon completion of this course, students will be able tounderstand the basics of data analysis in microbial genomics using Python, and willbe able to develop advanced bioinformatics software for microbial genomicsbased on machine-learning and deep-learning models. Basic knowledge ofmicrobial genomics and command line, as well as programming experience inPython, is required to attend this course.