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选课类别:专业任务 教学语言:双语
课程类别:专业基础课 开课单位:深港微电子学院
课程层次:本科 获得学分:4.0
SME211.模拟集成电路(4)理论实验课,4学分。其中包含理论课3学分 (3学时/每周)及实验课1学分(2学时/每周),先修课程:PHY105B大学物理(下)B;EE104电路基础;或SME102 微电子及集成电路基础。本课程重点专注于模拟电路及其系统的分析与设计,并穿插引入集成电路设计的基本概念和方法学,为学生后续深入学习集成电路设计方向专业核心课程和相关领域研究打牢基础。课程主要内容包括:电子技术的发展历程;常用分立及集成电子元器件的工作原理和电路模型;模拟放大器和集成运算放大器的工作原理及分析方法;通用电路的信号和频率响应分析方法;模拟电路模块实现及其在集成电路中应用实例介绍;电子电路的计算机辅助分析和设计。此外,本课程还根据课程所讲授理论知识配套了相应的项目实验,从而让学生直观认识常用集成电路及其外部元器件,熟悉常用测试仪器的使用方法,学习模拟电路故障的判断与排除方法,并在此基础上完成一个完整小型模拟电路系统的全流程设计、分析与实现,最终完成项目的展示及项目报告的撰写。

SME211. -Analog integrated circuit(4)Lecture and lab course,4 credits, including 3 lecture credits (3 hour per week) and 1 lab credit (2 hour per week). Pre-requisites: PHY105B General Physics II B ;EE104Fundamental of Electric Circuits. Or SME102 Fundamentals of Microelectronics and Integrated Circuit Or SME102Fundamentals of Microelectronics and Integrated Circuit This course focuses on the analysis and design of analog circuits and systems, and also introduces the concepts and methodology of IC design, which lays a solid foundation for students in their following course study and research in IC design field. The main content of the course includes: The history of electronic technology; Working principles and circuit models of commonly used discrete and integrated electronic components; Working principles and analysis method of analog amplifier and integrated operational amplifier; Analysis methods for signal and frequency response; The implementation of analog circuit modules and the introduction of examples in IC design; Computer-aided analysis and design of electronic circuits. In addition, a lab project is also designed with the theoretical knowledge taught in the course, so that students can intuitively understand commonly used integrated circuits and their external components, familiarize themselves with the commonly used test instruments, and learn how to debug their analog circuits. Then, they will complete the whole process design, analysis and implemetation of a small analog circuit system, and finally complete the project demonstration and report writing.


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