Whatis technology? How should we view and use new technology? What role doestechnology play in our lives? What are the impacts of new technologies such asnew media technologies, AI content generation, etc. on our self-perception,interpersonal and organizational behaviors, and social interactions? In this introductorycourse, we will discuss the cultural, social, political, and economicdimensions of technological communication and the related implications. Thecourse will integrate practice and theory and will proceed in three directions:first, we will discuss some basic questions about science, technology andsociety. In this section we will do so by reading important literature fromcross-cutting fields such as communication, philosophy, psychology, politicalscience, sociology, gender studies and information science. Secondly, we willfocus on Internet-based technologies. This includes Internet governance, ICTstartups, human-computer interaction, mobile communication, online dating, andsocial fatigue. In the third part, we will briefly introduce qualitative,quantitative and mixed research methods, as well as the basic norms of academicpaper writing to help you learn to read, understand and write about research inthe social sciences.