水生微生物培养实验高级讲习课 (Mark James Hopwood)OCE50322022春  
  • 课程难度:你猜
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选课类别:专业任务 教学语言:英文
课程类别:专业选修课 开课单位:海洋科学与工程系
课程层次:研究生 获得学分:3.0
<b>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;水生微生物培养实验高级讲习课:探讨水生微生物对环境压力源以及营养动态变化的反应(研究生课程,英文)。</b><br/>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 水生生态系统比较复杂,同时受到“自上而下”(如放牧)和“自下而上”(如营养限制)群落控制理论的影响。 本课程将研究环境变化的主要驱动因素(如温度、酸化以及营养素动态变化),对自然系统是如何运作的以及生态系统是如何应对全球变暖、海洋酸化和其他气候变化引起的未来环境变化有一个基础的了解。然而,直接进行实验以探究这些主导因素和生态系统间的相互作用极具挑战性,特别是多主导因素的变化与生态系统间同时发生的相互作用。薄弱的实验设计很大程度上将限制对上述动态机制的研究,特别是需要比对全世界不同研究小组在不同实验条件下进行的实验。&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 本课程中,将重点关注固有的实验限制因素以及学习降低实验副作用以及提高孵化实验数据收束性的处理技巧。通过课堂授课、范例展示和实际操作的有效结合,学会改进实验方案,使所进行的实验对其他科研团队也能提供帮助。

<b>A&nbsp;</b><b>M</b><b>asterclass in Aquatic Microbial&nbsp;</b><b>I</b><b>ncubation&nbsp;</b><b>E</b><b>xperiments: probing aquatic responses to stressors and changing nutrient dynamics (graduate level – English).</b>Aquatic ecosystems are complicated and respond dynamically to top-down (e.g. grazing) and bottom-up (e.g. nutrient limitation) drivers. Investigating key drivers of change in the environment, such as temperature, acidification, and nutrient dynamics, provides fundamental insight into how natural systems&nbsp;<span style="font-size: 1em;">work, and how ecosystems will respond to future environmental change because of global warming, ocean acidification and other impacts of climate change. Yet conducting experiments to probe these interactions between drivers and ecosystems are challenging, especially concerning the simultaneous interactions between multiple drivers of change. Poor experiment design limits our understanding of these dynamics as it is challenging to compare results from different experiments under different conditions conducted by different groups around the world.</span> In this course we will investigate the inherent limits of experiments and learn handling techniques to reduce undesired side-effects and variability in incubation experiments. Through a combination of lectures, workshops, and demonstrations we will learn how to improve our experiment designs and make our work more useful to the scientific community.<br/>


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Mark James Hopwood




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