This is a frontiers seminaron IC design research. It will give the graduate students an ability tosummarize research papers, explore the frontier progress in research direction,and study the development trend of IC research. In the course, the frontier inAI chip, communication chip and sensor chip design will be introduced to graduatestudents. In the subtopic of AI chip design, the system architecture of AIprocessor, different computing modes, such as near memory or in memorycomputing, and hardware optimization for the latest machine learning models,such as transformers, spiking neural network, etc. will be introduced. For thecommunication chip design, the transmitter, receiver, transceiver and frequencysynthesizer in wire and wireless in RF, mm wave and THz bands will be discussed.In the direction of sensor chip design, image sensors, MEMS sensors andbiosensors will be introduced. Since this course involves a lot of frontiers inthe research, the research papers in related fields of ISSCC, VLSI and DAC willbe widely used in the discussion.