
(杨亮)MED2022024秋 2023秋 2022秋 2021秋 2020秋 2019秋  
2024秋 2023秋 2022秋 2021秋 2020秋 2019秋
  • 课程难度:你猜
  • 作业多少:你猜
  • 给分好坏:你猜
  • 收获大小:你猜
选课类别:专业任务 教学语言:英文
课程类别:专业基础课 开课单位:医学院
课程层次:本科 获得学分:3.0
3学分,3学时/周。医学微生物学是研究与临床感染相关的病原微生物的生物学特征、致病机理、免疫应答、微生物学检测、特异性预防和治疗的一门学科。是生命科学的重要分支,是临床医学和预防医学的重要基础课。医学微生物学课程主要分为细菌学、临床细菌学、病毒学、临床病毒学、病原真菌与寄生虫、免疫应答六个主要方向。细菌学和病毒学基础主要论述细菌和病毒的形态结构、生长繁殖、遗传变异、耐药机理、致病机理、实验室诊断等内容;临床细菌学和病毒学着重描述与临床感染相关的致病菌和病毒的生物学特征、致病性与免疫反应、临床检测和防治等内容;病原性真菌和寄生虫分别论述真菌和寄生虫的特征和临床感染症状;免疫应答主要论述机体对病原微生物的及其毒性产物识别和清除的过程。本课程旨在使学生掌握医学微生物学的基本知识和基本理论,为学习其他基础医学课程、研究生课程及从事微生物感染疾病的诊断和防治相关工作奠定基础,增强学生解决实际问题的意识和能力。3 credits, 3 hours per week. Medical Microbiology will introduce students to the microbial species that cause human disease, including bacteria, fungi, viruses, and protozoa, and discuss current topics including antibiotic resistance, public health threats, and host immune response. Upon completion of this course students will be able to describe: the biological differences between bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa; how the biology of these organisms leads to human disease; and how humans try to prevent or treat these diseases. Students will be able to explain the tests used by microbiologists to identify and characterize organisms. Students will be able to analyze a scientific article and present a critique to their peers. This course will prepare the students for fundamental medical microbiology knowledge, which can facilitate their study in other fundamental medical courses, graduate courses as well as future career related to the infectious diseases and public health.


