阿拉伯城市与文化 (钱艾琳)HUM0592024春 2021秋 2021春  
2024春 2021秋 2021春
  • 课程难度:你猜
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选课类别:文理通识 教学语言:双语
课程类别:人文类 开课单位:人文科学中心
课程层次:本科 获得学分:2.0
从北非的阿特拉斯山脉、撒哈拉沙漠,到西亚的阿拉伯海和两河流域,阿拉伯世界的22个国家不仅地形地貌多姿,在语言、文学、艺术等方面也展现出鲜明特色。阿拉伯世界总面积达1300多万平方公里,目前人口已超过4亿,理解阿拉伯文化的层次性和多样性,是拓宽当代大学生国际视野的重要一环。 本课程分为十六个主题,每次课覆盖一个重要的阿拉伯城市。从古代阿拉伯半岛的萨那和麦加,肥沃新月地区的大马士革、耶路撒冷和巴格达,到非洲大陆的开罗和突尼斯,伊比利亚半岛的科尔多瓦和格拉纳达,以及充斥现代商业的迪拜和多哈,几千年来人员和思想的汇聚,造就了阿拉伯城市高超的建筑、文学和艺术水平,也凸显出自然与人工、沙漠与定居、大陆与海洋文明等持久的二元张力。

From the Atlas Mountains and the Sahara Desert in North Africa, to Mesopotamia and the Arabian Sea in West Asia, the 22 countries of the Arab world not only cover an area of 13 million square kilometers and a population of more than 400 million, but also present distinctive features in language, literature and art. To understand the diversity of Arab culture has more and more becoming a pressing task for university students who aspire to broaden their international horizons.This course is divided into sixteen topics, each focusing on an important Arab city, like Sana'a, Mecca, Dubai and Doha in the Arabian Peninsula, Damascus, Jerusalem and Baghdad in the Fertile Crescent, Cairo and Tunis of Africa, and Cordova and Granada in the Iberian Peninsula. For thousands of years, the Arab world has witnessed the convergence of people and ideas and manifested a superb level of architecture, literature and art in these Arab cities. Our course also reveals the enduring binary stress between the natural and the man-made, the Bedouins and city-dwellers, and seafaring and agricultural cultivation in the Arab world.


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