
(Tommaso Pepe)SS1202021秋  
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选课类别:文理通识 教学语言:英文
课程类别:社科类 开课单位:社会科学中心
课程层次:本科 获得学分:2.0
第二次世界大战期间,在前所未有的意识形态狂热、精心的官僚策划和骇人听闻的暴行推动下,纳粹对犹太人实行了种族灭绝政策。纳粹屠犹成为欧洲近现代史上重大集体灾难事件之一。从国家主导的暴力延伸到种族主义的意识形态根源,从现代国际法和正义观念的兴起,到关于人权不可剥夺性及其受到普遍侵犯的相关讨论,依然是纳粹暴行带给当今时代的反思和挑战。本课程将通过阅读幸存者的描述和历史文件,分析电影、纪录片和录像证词,研究大屠杀如何以及为何成为跨文化记忆的基石,来弥合民族、种族或宗教归属的传统分歧。进而理解为什么反犹太迫害的历史能使我们重新审视人类历史,重新审视“人类”本身?为什么它能成为面对、记录和传递集体灾难记忆道德义务的主要象征? 这种道德义务又是如何转变成一种重要的工具和道德要求,让大屠杀的史实真正成为世界记忆。

“Traumas have no geographical or cultural limitations”: these words by Jeffrey Alexandre shall be the starting point to address the history of the Holocaust and its impact on an increasingly globalized collective memory. Fueled by an unprecedented wave of ideological fanaticism, meticulous bureaucratic planning and appalling brutality, the genocide of the European Jews stands out as one of the major events of our modernity. We will examine how and why the Holocaust has become the founding block of an intercultural memory able to bridge traditional divides of national, ethnic or religious belonging, raising questions relevant to any cultural or geographical latitude. Why the history of the anti-Jewish persecution forces us to reconsider not only human history, but “humanity” as such? Why it has become a primary symbol of the moral obligation to confront, record and transmit the memory of collective catastrophes? How this moral obligation turns into a critical tool and ethical imperative to recognize and remember histories of victimization that affect other cultures and human groups? We will study one of the most troubling periods in recent European history, reading survivors accounts and historical documents, analyzing films, documentaries and videotestimonies to understand how the memory of Nazi violence continues to haunt some of the most pressing challenges of our time: from the proliferation of state-sanctioned violence to the ideological roots of racism, from the rise of modern international law and justice to the debate concerning the inalienability of human rights and their ubiquitous violation.
user avatar   Archie     2021秋
  • 难度:中等
  • 作业:中等
  • 给分:一般
  • 收获:很多

I withdrew from the course but read the syllabus, slides and course materials. Reading materials by Levi, Arendt, Bauman etc. in this course are fairly inspiring and closely connected to contemporary society. And both the topic and lecturer are very nice. I would recommend it anyway.

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Tommaso Pepe



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