硅基量子计算低温CMOS (陈凯)SME50272023秋 2022秋  
2023秋 2022秋
  • 课程难度:你猜
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选课类别:专业任务 教学语言:中文
课程类别:专业选修课 开课单位:深港微电子学院
课程层次:研究生 获得学分:2.0
本课程为弥补量子计算与微电子之间的空白而专门开设的硕士水平本研合上的新课,此前尚无类似课程。作为新兴前沿及跨学科跨领域的新课,非常适合理工科信息相关专业的硕士研究生和高年级本科生来修读。课程开设者具有42年在硅基主流半导体领域学习和工作的丰富阅历,并在早期就参与了低温CMOS的前沿研发工作。课程设置方面,既介绍硅基量子计算的大背景,其基于计算科学、量子力学和微纳加工工程实现这三大理工科基础,以提供一个宏观视野;同时深入到低温CMOS的国际前沿,结合教师本人在此领域的持续科研,将国际上最权威和最新的研究成果同步地融入本门课程的教学实践,培养本科生的前沿创新视野和研究生的前沿创新能力。这两者的结合力求做到深入浅出,富有启发性的同时培养理工科学生在信息相关领域的研发能力。在教学方法上,充分培养学生学习、总结、交流分享、动手解题等全方位的科研思考与总结交流能力。由于有了此前一年在南科大本科的教学实践经验(SME327 "硅基量子计算工艺器件入门“),结合教师本人在此领域的科研,现扩展到研究生硕士水平课程,具有扎实的开课基础。

This course fills in themissing gap of current curricular system. No similar course in this very active and upring new field is offered at the School of Microelectronics or even the University. It aims to train both the postgraduates and senior undergraduates the cross-disciplinary area. The teacher has 42 years of continuous study and work experience in mainstream Silicon CMOS fields. He was also one of a few early researchers in cryogenic CMOS. Based on his teaching practice of undergraduate SME327 entitled "Si-based Quantum Computing Device & Integration Introduction" with very positive feedback, it is a solid and natural extension to open this new master level course combined with teacher's own contimued active research in the field. The course integrates both the basic knowledge about computing science/algorithm, quantum mechanics and qubits making engeering, and the latest global research papers to systematically train students to develop their basic capability as a potential engineer/researcher to learn, read, summarize, PPT presentation and hands-on homework. 


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