SUSTech English III

(Albert Evans)CLE0232024秋 2023秋 2022秋 2021春 2020春 2019秋  
2024秋 2023秋 2022秋 2021春 2020春 2019秋
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选课类别:专业任务 教学语言:英文
课程类别:通识必修课 开课单位:语言中心
课程层次:未知 获得学分:4.0
SUSTech English III (SE III) is the third and advanced course of SUSTech English in the Center for Language Education’s core curriculum. Moving beyond the basic and intermediate skills, SUSTech English III pushes into advanced levels. It also aims to prepare students for the academic writing course, English for Academic Purposes. SUSTech English III further enhances learner’s ability to comprehend reading and listening materials through interactions with more complex and culturally diverse materials. Through individual presentations, students are introduced to concepts of researching, paraphrasing and citations. They present findings from literature exploration in an academic manner. Moreover, students engage in thought-provoking discussion on current topics, via which students acquire significant discussion skills and critical thinking capability. Writing assignments include more advanced essays. Informative writing and argumentative writing are incorporated in the course to reinforce students’ skills of writing a thesis statement and expressing one’s own voice in written language. The weighting of process in writing assignments and constructive feedback from both peers and instructors support the cultivation of intellectual character among students, paving their way to enter the academic community of practice.

SUSTech English III (SE III) is the third and advanced course of SUSTech English in the Center for Language Education’s core curriculum. Moving beyond the basic and intermediate skills, SUSTech English III pushes into advanced levels. It also aims to prepare students for the academic writing course, English for Academic Purposes. SUSTech English III further enhances learner’s ability to comprehend reading and listening materials through interactions with more complex and culturally diverse materials. Through individual presentations, students are introduced to concepts of researching, paraphrasing and citations. They present findings from literature exploration in an academic manner. Moreover, students engage in thought-provoking discussion on current topics, via which students acquire significant discussion skills and critical thinking capability. Writing assignments include more advanced essays. Informative writing and argumentative writing are incorporated in the course to reinforce students’ skills of writing a thesis statement and expressing one’s own voice in written language. The weighting of process in writing assignments and constructive feedback from both peers and instructors support the cultivation of intellectual character among students, paving their way to enter the academic community of practice.
user avatar   NeilYoung     2023秋
  • 难度:简单
  • 作业:中等
  • 给分:一般
  • 收获:很多





那么Albert Evans的课是你在南科大为数不多的选择。



  • 尽管课程大纲涉及听力、阅读、写作、口语四个方面,但是Al这门课的精髓或者特点依然在于英语口语交流。2小时的课有1个小时都是在与同学聊天儿的过程中度过的。就雅思口语考试的评分标准而言,你的Fluency and Coherence无疑会得到提升。


  • 一个性格极其活泼,喜欢搞怪和开玩笑的老头。
  • 酷爱音乐。年轻时爱听重金属,老了什么都听。特别地,对Boston乐队的"More Than a Feeling"给出高度评价。上课时常常会播放自己的歌单作为背景音乐,范围从当代流行音乐到Oasis, Jackson 5直至The Beatles等等。
  • 酷爱电影。


  • 概述:所有人无论课上课间必须说英语;总的来说,学生的课堂参与感极强(不能混)。
  • 课前:10分钟的Small Talk。根据老师给出的一副图片或一个话题(内容往往比较奇怪和无厘头),每个同学需要在课堂中找到一个partner,根据主题与TA进行2分钟的对话。每隔2分钟,强制更换partner,与另一个同学开始新的对话。
  • 课上:根据课本进行听力、阅读、口语、写作练习。然而事实上无论是听力还是阅读部分,都有约50%以上的时间供同学们在小组内进行交流(其实就是给同学们聊天儿用的)。


  • 作业懒得详细写了,细节参考其他评价。总的来说不少。然而这还得看你的接受能力,有的人,比如我,就觉得照着托福听力写listening journal是一件非常过瘾的事,呵呵。
  • 给分情况,暂时未知。

user avatar   Gaomin_Jiang     2023秋
  • 难度:简单
  • 作业:很多
  • 给分:超好
  • 收获:很多


  1. 老师非常严格:课堂纪律严格(睡觉、说中文、玩手机这些想都别想)、作业任务要求严格。
  2. 基础(不含Pre、Essay、Video等)作业量:每周一面A4的reading journal,每周一面A4的listening journal,每日15分钟extensive reading
  1. “Everyone talks.”在课上会大量练习speaking,想练习口语的建议来这个班。你在这里一节课说的量可能比你在别的班一学期说的量都多。
  2. 课堂氛围好。他要求严格,但只要大家都配合,课堂会进行得非常愉快。
  3. 收获感比较强。每节课都能学到东西,而且他会反复练习强化让我们真正地掌握那些技能。
  4. 平时作业对期中期末有挺大帮助。
  5. 有些任务是ungraded的。不过还是建议认真做做,收获会很大。
  6. 他好像是语言中心的负责人。
  7. 1积分就能选上。


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